
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Volume: Puzzles - total 88    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
24Neumann's Random GeneratorDE ES RU4628
59Bulls and Cows2871
22Two PrintersES RU3030
69Fibonacci Divisibility1862
62Prime Ranges1633
409Election Fever6
80Duel Chances1138
36Code GuesserUA1170
54Pythagorean Triples1039
97Girls and Pigs848
51Dungeons and Dragons DiceUA801
66Caesar Cipher Cracker709
108Star Medals599
405Three Friendly Knights9
71Fibonacci Divisibility Advanced547
89Instrument Tuner459
131Four Pics One Word386
410Village Door Shuffle-
140Proper Bracket Sequences243
384Equal Hamming Distance21
173Chords of Music192
151Word Ladders190
381Finding Squares21
372String Minimization27
129Enumerating Combinations197
139Beam Balance and Masses182
389Binary Split Guessing Game13
192Gangster Battles136
359Find 3 Numbers31
398Collecting Diamonds7
111Necklace Count177
110Lucky Tickets Advanced167
393Urban Planning9
402Game of Stones4
179Look and Say binary120
157Emirp primE114
379Dice with Infinity Sides12
100Crossing the Road116
395Growth of Micro-Organisms5
210Ticket Puzzle69
209Suffix Array Advanced69
383E2C2S - try harder!8
382Die Throw Sequences8
113Ground Zero89
274Two Buckets40
175Algae Robot66
259Easter Bunnies42
107Knight's Tour82
354Too Many Divisors14
204Wandering Star53
241Village Ways42
292Factorial Trailing Zeroes29
347Unwanted Multiples15
218Rain Must FallDE45
149Prime Chains60
307The Problem of Too Many Clues23
346Long Decimal Fractions14
338Throwing Easter Eggs15
180Simple Game of Sticks46
391Scout Proficiency Badges3
255LCM of a range29
287Palindrome Frog22
340Zeckendorf Lite12
247Towers of Hanoi29
339Parking Lot12
261Easter Bunnies 2D23
341Zeckendorf Advanced10
217Personality Swap29
271A Knight some Trolls and a Princess17
333Happy Triplets8
365Flower Border Arrangements4
263Easter Bunnies 3D15
262Easter Bunnies 2D Advanced15
373Railroad Rat3
266Pancake Sorting14
279Two Buckets Advanced12
222Easter Eggs Advanced16
235Train Merge Advanced14
237Road Network Destruction12
327Dobbin's Long Journey5
264Party Presents9
226Multiplicative Persistence Backtrace11
251Radio Spies7
232Shift Register Randomizer7
240Playfair Cipher Cracking6
280Three Buckets Re-visited4