Problem 74 Clock Hands (Possible error in example)

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ac1dloop     2019-05-06 03:33:58

Hi everyone,

I started to work on this problem and it looks like im stuck forever. I just cant understand how does system calculate cos and sin.

In given example there is a result that looks strange to me. I mean how x-coordinate of hour hand can be 4.20444504 at 9? If we imagine clocks and take a look at the hour hand at 9 o'clock it will be parallel to X-axis hence, it's x-coordinate has to be hand length substracted from center of circle ( 10 - 6 = 4 ) and it's y-coordinate has to be 10 but in the example they are 4.20444504 and 11.55291427

input data: 3 12:00 15:00 9:30

answer: WTF? WTF?
10.0 16.0 10.0 19.0 16.0 10.0 10.0 19.0 4.20444504 11.55291427 10.0 1.0

Please correct me if im wrong, but it looks like this problem is unsolvable

Rodion (admin)     2019-05-06 05:15:51
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Hi there, and thanks for your message!

At first you almost caught me :) But seems no, not a bug...

If we imagine clocks and take a look at the hour hand at 9 o'clock it will be parallel to X-axis hence?

Right. It is parallel at 9:00, but not in 9:30, since the hands rotate smoothly and 30 minutes after 9:00 the hour hand moves forward 7.5 degrees...

(by the way it seems the picture in the problem shows exactly that position)

ac1dloop     2019-05-06 09:07:25

Hi Rodion, thx for fast answer.

Oh, guess it was a bug in my head. Maybe i should get used to these type of clock instead of digital ones.

Rodion (admin)     2019-05-06 13:03:44
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Hm-m-m... Your point is good... I have just understood that such a problem becomes, well, somewhat outdated... Because people use digital clock far more often nowadays (including me). Valuable hint, thanks! :)

Let's add small clarification to the problem then... Thanks once more!

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