Problem 74 Clock Hands

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Matthew Cole     2015-01-08 19:27:08


I received the test data set as follows: 5 11:16 3:4 9:55 9:3 12:53

Should those times be interpreted as:
{11:16, 3:40, 9:55, 9:30, 12:53} or as:
{11:16, 3:04, 9:55, 9:03, 12:53}?


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Rodion (admin)     2015-01-08 19:57:14
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Ow, what a nasty thing!

Matthew, thanks a lot for reporting this. I'll try at once to take care of this problem - times should be presented in less ambigous way, I think!

UPD Hope this is fixed now (hours and minutes should have leading zeroes if necessary).

Thanks a lot once more. I'm surprised no one reported this before though this problem exists for more than half a year already :)

Matthew Cole     2015-01-09 00:13:33


I have a "correct" solution according to the checker, but your problem definition states:

Answer should contain four real numbers for each test case - X and Y coordinates for hour hand, then X and Y coordinate for minute hand. All values should be simply separated with spaces.

But your sample output shows 4-tuples in the form of (hourY, hourX, minuteY, minuteX). I've confirmed the checker accepts that form as well.


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