Hello from Austria

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brothermine     2020-10-17 11:50:06

Hi there!

Self-taught coder from Austria here. I work as a developer/sysadmin/prof.services provider at a small company. My languages of choice are Python and Golang, my hobbies are SciFi Literature, metalworking and hiking.

I read of codeabbey in "Linux Magazin" (german monthly magazine for Tux-Enthusiasts) a few years ago, but just now came around to give it a try, and I must say it's by far the best site of its kind I have encountered so far.

  • The webpage is simple, unencumbered and practical
  • As is the registration process
  • The tasks are heavily leaning towards PRACTICAL PROBLEMS
  • The community seems active and nice
  • The background story with the clerical stuff is fun :-)

    So all in all, an enjoyable experience. Looking forward to solving more of your tasks!

Rodion (admin)     2020-10-19 08:13:00
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Hi Friend!

Thanks for your story! It is quite curious :)

hobbies are SciFi

Do you read some classic SciFi authors by the way? I'm fan too, but I'm sure I read almost nothing of recent books. Sheckley, Lem, Strugatsky are among my favorites :)


that's interesting - on what scale? does it mean soldering some precious little things or rather hammering and forging larger stuff, like grates, fences elements etc?

Thanks a lot for all your kind words (probably, too kind) - and for word about Linux Magazin - that's funny to know! :)

brothermine     2020-10-19 15:19:08

Hi Rodion!

Do you read some classic SciFi authors by the way?

I have some favorite Authors, most of them writers for Games-Workshops "Black Library", but I doubt they count as "classic" :-) Currently enjoying "Titanicus" by Dan Abnett and re-reading the "Mechanicum" Trilogy by Graham Mc Neill.

on what scale?

Hand-Tools-Only knife making. I don't have the room for a forge, but there are is a styrian company where I can buy normalized steel bars, and send them the finished (cut, ground) pieces for hardening. I'm not very good at it, but its fun to do and very satisfying, even if it takes forever :D

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