Hi I am Hiram

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Hiram     2015-10-06 04:06:35
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Hello, my name is Hiram Cruz!
I'm from the U.S.A., specifically Florida.
I saw codeabbey on a forum and wanted to give it a shot.
My goal is to be the highest ranked javascript solver here. Aim high, as they say.

Rodion (admin)     2015-10-06 05:14:55
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Hiram, greetings to you - and thank you for writing :)

That is a great and noble goal - especially because some specifics of JavaScript will make certain problems bit more difficult (e.g. Modular Calculator which was several times discussed in relation to JS here). However I see that someone solved over 100 problems in it here so it seems like even Bishop certificate is achievable without resorting to other languages :)

Good luck to you!

Hiram     2015-10-06 18:42:02
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I will admit to being slightly flustered on the Modular Calculator at first, but once you understand the logic applying it becomes pretty easy! Hopefully I'll manage lol

podracerpoopypants     2015-10-17 20:57:57
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Hey Hiram, nice to meet you, do you have any experience with other programming languages?

What would you like to do with JS?


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