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I just realized that when I created my profile I set my "preferred" programming language to BASIC
, while I largely use VBA. I just noticed today that VB
is actually one of the listed languages (guess I didn't look to closely the first time around...)
Is there any way to go and change that? Not seeing any option looking around the setting window. Not that it really affects much, other than leaderboard rankings I suppose...
To change your preferred language, resubmit your BASIC solutions choosing VB in drop-down list, and solve 1 more problem in VB.
I think there is no simplier way than that.
That did work - thankfully I was able to solve a new problem, I'm starting to run out of the low-hanging-fruit problems!
Thank you qwerty!
Thanks for bringing attention to this, by the way. For my life I can't remember now how this preferred language is calculated (but it is). Perhaps we just need a field in settings to be added, though I'm not sure yet. Or perhaps we need some way to change language of multiple solutions at once. I'll try to think a bit about this.