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I am Vadim Tukaev, 36 y.o., from Russia (Saratov).
When I was 5 years old, my aunt gave me two things for my birthday: the hand stitched rug and a book about computers and programming (with introduction to BASIC). This book has predetermined my destiny. I literally fell in love with computers. Unfortunately, our family was able to afford to buy me a computer only eight years later. All this time I was "programmed" with a pen, paper and calculator.
When I have got computer Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K, it was the happiest day of my life. Programs are loaded with a tape recorder! I bought a few books on programming. The greatest impact on me was the book "Programming games and puzzles" by Jacques Arsac. Unfortunately, I did not understand how much I lose, studying BASIC only. I knew only one programming paradigm, so I think that all languages are basically the same, we just have to learn a new syntax and idioms.
A few years ago I met with the functional paradigm. My ossified brain was hard, almost physically painful to accept a new way of thinking. However, when I overcame myself, my consciousness expanded. Now I'm a fan of functional programming.
I love Python language for the ideal (in my humble opinion) combination of procedural and functional paradigms. In addition, I like Scheme and Factor languages. However, I think the main thing is the programmer's skill, not a language used. Even in plain C you can write object-oriented and functional code.
Until recently programming has been just a hobby for me, so I can not produce any impressive portfolio. However, I'm a fast learner. Programming gives me incomparable joy of creativity. Maybe that's why I do not drink and do not smoke. Yes, not everyone in Russia drink vodka. In past year I drank only half a glass of champagne at Christmas.
Need job. Possible relocation, including emigration.
hi welcome to code abbey!
how did you solve so many so fast?
By the way I myself was somewhat astonished - Vadim spent somewhat less than a month to get certificate. One of the fastest "careers" :)
There's so much poetry in your introduction; I find myself re-reading it every now and then.
the hand stitched rug
my ossified brain
do not drink
need job
I'll drink to that.
I hope the site administration does not get angry at me. I would like to ask all the local inhabitants about the service.
One very nice person, Alexander Neveev, a professional psychologist, conducted a educational scientific channel on YouTube.
Among other themes, he discredited sciolists, sectarians etc. Since they couldn't argue on the merits, then wrote a accusation.
Please write petition for unblocking this unique (within Russia) channel. Just go to and click "Send feedback" (at the very bottom of the page), then write "I ask you to return videos, belonging to Alexander Neveev".
Thank you for attention!
>I hope the site administration does not get angry at me.
I believe that such an outstanding participants should have privileges, so no problems :)
>Since they couldn't argue on the merits, then wrote a accusation.
I see youtube tells that the channel was blocked due to copyright violation complaints. I'm afraid in such cases youtube will not be moved even by million of feedbacks for otherwise it itself would be regarded as provider of piracy content.
I suspect it is necessary to provide them some proofs that copyright complaints were wrong (if they were wrong). However I'm afraid such issues are only checked by them when posted by the channel's owner... If you know this guy you may try to explain this grievous situation to him so that he can find better means to work on this problem.
Good luck in any case!
Thank you for your assistance!
Congratulations to all with our victory over ignorance and obscurantism!
Alexander Neveev's channel unlocked -
Well, congrats :)
I dared to edit your comment slightly to make the url appear as a link. Though I'm not sure it will help non-Russian speakers :)
The main thing is not to see the last few seconds of the film, especially if you have weak nerves or heart trouble.