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Hello there! I got stuck with the problem #81, Bit Count.
I couldn't be able to work and have a soluction with binary negative numbers.
I've tryed the Method Complement of 2, but it gives to me a wrong answer.
I'm looking forward to any help.
Marcos Glasner
Below is my code.
from csv import reader
def stringToInteger(): """ This function open a .csv file and return a list of integer. :return: """ arq = open("problem081.csv") l1 = reader(arq, delimiter=" ") l1 = list(*l1) l2 = [] for i in l1: i = int(i) l2.append(i) return l2
def fromIntegerToBinary(l2): """ This function take a parameter with a list of integer, transform it in binary numbers and put it in a list. :param l2: :return: """ print(l2) l3 = [] for i in range(0, len(l2)): nb = bin(l2[i]).replace("b", "").replace("-", "") # I used this as shown from the example to get the number -1 in the binary system. if l2[i] == -1: l3.append("11111111111111111111111111111111") # I'm trying to get the binary negative number using 2's complement method. elif l2[i] < 0: nb = bin(l2[i]).replace("b", "").replace("-", "") nb = nb[:-1] + "0" # I've using these trick to invert the binary number. nb = nb.replace("0", "x").replace("1", "y") nb = nb.replace("x", "1").replace("y", "0") l3.append(nb) else: l3.append(nb) return l3
def bitCount(l3): """ This function take a parameter with a list of binary numbers from the function above and count in binary system how many bits is in each binary number. P.S.: The number of bit is equal to the number of "1" in that represent the integer number in binary system. :param l3: :return: """ print(l3) cont, l4 = 0, [] for i in range(0, len(l3)): cont = l3[i].count("1") l4.append(cont) return print(*l4)
Here's a hint.
What do you think -2 (a negative, decimal number) is in binary?
I don't mean what Python returns for bin(-2)
. I mean this: if -1, in the context of the problem, is represented as a sequence of 32 ones, what is the logical way to represent -2 in the same system?
Hello guys!
I'm still having trouble troubleshooting issue #81, Bit Count.
I made some changes to the code but I still can't get the exact answer for all the integers received as input.
Below is my code:
from csv import reader
def stringToInteger(): """ This function open a .csv file and return a list of integer. :return: """ arq = open("problem081.csv") l1 = reader(arq, delimiter=" ") l1 = list(*l1) l2 = [] for i in l1: i = int(i) l2.append(i) return l2
def fromIntegerToBinary(l2): """ This function take a parameter with a list of integer, transform it in binary numbers and put it in a list. :param l2: :return: """ print(l2) strb, l3 = "", [] for i in range(0, len(l2)): nb = bin(l2[i]).replace("0b", "").replace("-", "") n = 32 - len(nb) strb = "" for k in range(n): strb += "1" if l2[i] == -1: nb = "11111111111111111111111111111111" l3.append(nb) elif l2[i] < 0: nb = bin(l2[i]).replace("0b", "").replace("-", "") nb = nb.replace("1", "x").replace("0", "y") nb = nb.replace("x", "0").replace("y", "1") if nb[-1] == "1": nb = nb[0:-1] + "0" nb = strb + nb elif nb[-1] == "0": nb = nb[0:-1] + "1" nb = strb + nb l3.append(nb) print(len(l3[i])) else: nb = bin(l2[i]).replace("0b", "") l3.append(n_b) return l3
def bitCount(l3): """ This function take a parameter with a list of binary numbers from the function above and count in binary system how many bits is in each binary number. P.S.: The number of bit is equal to the number of "1" in that represent the integer number in binary system. :param l3: :return: """ cont, l4 = 0, [] for i in range(0, len(l3)): cont = l3[i].count("1") l4.append(cont) return print(*l4)
Hi there!
no need to modify the code unless you get clear understanding of what needs to be done :) regretfully Python, while good for most of problems, is bewildering you here due to its built-in "wrong ints".
Try the wikipedia article on signed integers representation, and particularly on "two's complement". That's really quite easy despite so much text is written here.
Also no need to paste your code - whoever solved the problem can see your submission.
Ok friends!
Thanks so much for yours suports. I think I understand the problem.
As you said, the Python's built-in function dosen't treat the negative binary numbers correctly.