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I have some problem with this task. For input data "tyler" I must find the way from John X Doe to Carol J Tyler. Ok?
Let's see: My program found easy way like John X Doe -> Dave B Johnson (friend) -> Carol J Tyler (friend)
We may try this way in browser: than click to persons discribed below.
Let's calculate price:
$130'000 from John X Doe + $700'000'000 from Dave B Johnson + $17'000 from Carol J Tyler = 700 147 000. It is my answer.
Buuuuuut.. The task say me, that it cost 1 834 460 700. Why? It's not cheaper than mine, it's not shortest than mine. What I doing wrong?
For Rodion. You can see my code, but it is terrifying and very large. But I sure that I calculate correct :) Because we can calculate manually
Wow. thank you friend! I see I have some problems with English language. Sorry, I need to learn not only java but English language else:) Now I have to try again