Couple of feature requests

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Moriarty     2014-10-24 20:38:24
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1) Mention the task number in the problem description. Apparently it's only on the index page.

2) Make the problem index table sortable on clicking on the table headings. I believe the jquery plugin tablesorter should do nicely. :)


Moriarty     2014-10-24 20:43:08
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Also, if a forum post is task specific, include a link to the task in the forum post .

Rodion (admin)     2014-10-25 01:28:05
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Hi, Thanks for your suggestions!

  1. Done! Though for long time I instead wanted to remove task numbers completely :)

  2. I'll try to think a bit of this since if ever I'm going to add pagination jquery plugin will not do...

  3. Done! Why haven't I did it before?

  4. Bonus: I've just tried to add syntax highlighting on view solution page (thanks for hint by colleague from other forum - and to highlight.js).

Christopher Matthews     2014-10-25 06:41:02

I really like the syntax highlighting! Nice work, my friend!

Rodion (admin)     2014-10-25 08:17:16
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Huh, it was "as easy as lying" since I found this library - only few lines of code to add it to the project :)

So we must thank these many people who participated in creating it!

Shoshannah     2014-11-02 13:56:49

Though for long time I instead wanted to remove task numbers completely :)
Please don't!

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