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Hi Rodion, can you add Serbia to the countries list when you find the time? You could also remove Yugoslavia as it doesn't exist for almost 13 years now.. Really dig your site, btw!
pozz brate sta ima ............
Nista, evo pokusavam da nam podignem zastavu.. :D
Zdrave, Bratie da Sestry, ha-ha :)
Thanks a lot for your hint. I'll surely do this - and please excuse me for this bug.
As about Yugoslavia - you are quite right, but some people have chosen it already for their accounts long ago so I do not feel it correct to remove it. Being born in another non-existing country I can understand there could be motives...
UPD: Please check that problem is fixed. I hope now you should be able to choose Serbia from the list.
Wow, I even see several people (including Maria) have Serbia as their country already. Probably it was set
by autodetection but was not shown until I created picture and record in the database...
However I again came to conclusion we need to find set of larger flag pictures. 16x11
is too small :(
Thanks, it's working :)
Yes, they're kinda small taking into account that lots of flags have fine details..