Feature Request making it possible to save some previous code

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oezguery     2024-01-30 23:01:39
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Hello Rodion,
As a user I want to

  1. save a file.
  2. paste the content of the file to the editor.
  3. save multiple files and give them name.
  4. see a view of my saved files next to the editor.
  5. choose the file and load its content to the editor.
  6. give directory structure to the files I saved.
  7. have a next problem button after the problem is solved for quick navigation to the next problem
  8. have an option to load the solution of the last challenge into the editor when the new challenge begins.

These ideas came to me as I was solving beginning challenges in JS and had to type the boiler plate code again and again.

gardengnome     2024-01-31 04:50:39
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Hi, there are dedicated sites out there that provide some of this functionality. Ideone is one popular example. I don't think CodeAbbey was ever meant as a fully fledged coding environment. I rather have more puzzles.

Rodion (admin)     2024-02-15 06:49:51
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Hi Özgür!

Thanks for suggestion and sorry for delay with the answer, please!

Things you describe definitely make sense. However it is quite a bulk of work on one hand and on the other supposedly most of them won't be used by most of people (it is typical paradox of "90% features used by 5% of users" for various tools, from IDEs to photo-editors).

So honestly while let's definitely add it to our forgotten issue/feature list (here it is) I suspect this probably won't be implemented until either there are some more technical motivation (e.g. some new functionality which would benefit much from such improvements to code editor) or I'm hired by some large and wealth company/university to work on this site at my pleasure :)))

have a next problem button after the problem is solved for quick navigation to the next problem

There are links with problem suggestion now... But probably they look awkward and it is good idea to reshape them as buttons - I'll look for it, thanks :) There are two subtle issues by the way - no easy definition of "next" task - and also we actually want people to slightly diversify their way through tasks so perhaps the solutions distribution is slightly improved over the tasks.

I was solving beginning challenges in JS and had to type the boiler plate code again and again.

I may recommend to look around various tools for JS, perhaps GreaseMonkey / TaperMonkey which allow you to enhance websites with JS on your (browser) side. You'll be able to create what you describe using localStorage probably. And also will learn useful instrument :)

oezguery     2024-03-08 20:48:03
User avatar

Thank you for your answers.
I understand you of course. I was just playing the product owner writing stories. ;)

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