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I've gotten a message "For test with input '14' the answer '7 0' was wanted" after sending my answer. But if I paste '14' to the input box I get '7 0' as expected. So, as I see, something going wrong...
Can you check it please ?
I tried your code using 14 as input, and it printed something (hex 0E) before the '7 0'
Thanks you for your response. I've rewritten the code and now it works.
Thanks one more time!
Hello, right now I've got the same issue. I answered properly for '13' my program gave '6 1' and it was wrong... Could you look into this please?
This problem has to be solved using the Brainfuck++ language. Your submission doesn't use that language.
hmmn ok then sorry for a trouble and thank you for fast reply :)