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To encourage fellow coders to try this task, below is a python-based implementation that allows you to execute a rocket flight. You still need to write and tune your own flight control program - the example used is the one provided in the text. Graphical output is provided via pyplot. This might make it easier to experiment with different approaches at home.
from math import pi, sin, cos, atan
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# constants
R_EARTH = 6_371_000 # radius earth (m)
G = -9.81 # gravity of earth (m/s^2)
M0 = 272_000 # default mass of rocket (kg)
FTH = 3_000_000 # default thrust force (N = kg*m/s^2)
VM = -800 # default fuel burning rate (kg/s)
DT = 1 / 4 # deafult time step (s)
H_TOLERANCE = 20 # height tolerenace (km)
V_TOLERANCE = 200 # velocity tolerance (m/s)
A_TOLERANCE = 1.0 # angle tolerance (degree)
class Rocket:
ON_GROUND, IN_FLIGHT, CRASH, SHUTDOWN = "on_ground", "in_flight", "crash", "shutdown"
def __init__(self, mass_init, force_thrust, fuel_burning_rate, time_step, h_target, v_target):
self.h_target = h_target # target height (m)
self.v_target = v_target # target velocity (m/s)
self.m0, self.m = mass_init, mass_init # initial and current mass (kg)
self.fth = force_thrust # thrust force (N = kg*m/s^2)
self.vm = fuel_burning_rate # fuel burning rate (kg/s)
self.x, self.y = [0.0], [R_EARTH] # coordinates (m)
self.vx, self.vy = 0.0, 0.0 # velocity (m/s)
self.att = 0.0 # attitude / angle (radiant) = 0.0 # attitude velocity
self.fa = 0.0 # attitude turning force
self.t, self.dt = 0.0, time_step # time (s)
self.stage = 0 = 0
self.flight_status = Rocket.ON_GROUND
self.show_output = False
def height(self):
return (self.x[-1] ** 2 + self.y[-1] ** 2) ** 0.5 - R_EARTH
def velocity(self):
return (self.vx ** 2 + self.vy ** 2) ** 0.5
def height_error(self):
return self.height() - self.h_target
def velocity_error(self):
return self.velocity() - self.v_target
def angle_error(self):
at1 = atan(self.x[-1] / self.y[-1])
at2 = atan(self.vx / self.vy) if self.vx < self.vy else atan(self.vy / - self.vx) + pi / 2
return (at1 + pi / 2 - at2) * 180 / pi # corrected
def set_show_output(self, yn):
self.show_output = yn
def set_flight_status(self, status):
self.flight_status = status
if self.show_output:
print(f"t={self.t}: {self.flight_status}")
def fly(self, program=None):
while True:
if self.flight_status in [Rocket.CRASH, Rocket.SHUTDOWN]:
if self.stage:
def exec_move(self):
r = (self.x[-1] ** 2 + self.y[-1] ** 2) ** 0.5
ag = G * (R_EARTH / r) ** 2
ath = self.fth / self.m
ax = ag * self.x[-1] / r + ath * sin(self.att)
ay = ag * self.y[-1] / r + ath * cos(self.att)
da = 0.001 * (self.m0 / self.m) * self.fa
self.x += [self.x[-1] + self.vx * self.dt]
self.y += [self.y[-1] + self.vy * self.dt]
self.vx += ax * self.dt
self.vy += ay * self.dt
self.att += * self.dt += da * self.dt
self.m += self.vm * self.dt
self.t += self.dt
if self.show_output and self.t == int(self.t):
print(f"t={self.t:,.0f} "
f"x={self.x[-1]:,.0f} y={self.y[-1]:,.0f} h={self.height():,.0f} "
f"vx={self.vx:,.0f} vy={self.vy:,.0f} v={self.velocity():,.0f} "
f"att={self.att:,.2f} fa={self.fa:,.4f} m={self.m:,.0f} "
f"h_error={self.height_error():,.0f} "
f"v_error={self.velocity_error():,.0f} "
f"a_error={self.angle_error():,.1f} ")
if self.att > pi or self.att < - pi / 4 or self.height() < 0:
elif self.m <= 10_000:
def exec_stage(self):
if self.vm <= -800:
self.vm /= 4.0
self.fth /= 4.0
if self.show_output:
print(f"t={self.t}: stage")
def pilot(self, program=None):
if program is not None:
self.stage, = 0, 0
for i in range(0, len(program), 2):
tc, cmd = program[i], program[i + 1]
if tc == self.t:
if cmd == "stage":
self.stage = 1
elif cmd == "off": = 1
self.fa = min(1.0, max(-1.0, cmd))
def display_flight(self):
plt.plot([R_EARTH * cos(2 * pi / 1_000 * i) for i in range(1_000)],
[R_EARTH * sin(2 * pi / 1_000 * i) for i in range(1_000)],
"g-", label="earth")
plt.plot([(R_EARTH + self.h_target) * cos(2 * pi / 1_000 * i) for i in range(1_000)],
[(R_EARTH + self.h_target) * sin(2 * pi / 1_000 * i) for i in range(1_000)],
"b--", label="orbit")
plt.plot(self.x, self.y, "r-", label="rocket")
plt.xlim([-500_000, 2_500_000])
plt.ylim([R_EARTH - 300_000, R_EARTH + 1_000_000])
plt.title("rocket flight")
# inputs
h_target, v_target = 530, 8200
# ***CHANGE HERE*** manual flight program
program = [10, 1, 30, -0.98, 50, 0, 200, "stage", 210, 0.005, 700, "off"]
# simulate rocket path
rocket = Rocket(M0, FTH, VM, DT, h_target * 1_000, v_target)
# results
print(f"flight status: {rocket.flight_status}")
if rocket.flight_status == Rocket.SHUTDOWN:
h_error = rocket.height_error() / 1_000
v_error = rocket.velocity_error()
a_error = rocket.angle_error()
print(f"h_error: {h_error:.1f} km {'(ok)' if abs(h_error) <= H_TOLERANCE else '(too large)'}")
print(f"v_error: {v_error:.1f} m/s {'(ok)' if abs(v_error) <= V_TOLERANCE else '(too large)'}")
print(f"a_error: {a_error:.1f} degree {'(ok)' if abs(a_error) <= A_TOLERANCE else '(too large)'}")
print("flight program:", *program)
Well, why shouldn't we have this directly linked from the problem statement? Let's include it!
As of pyplot usage, perhaps it would be interesting in future to add a "notebook" feature for storing arbitrary code snippets in Python (using some JS-based implementation so it is run in browser) with attached chart js library. Though perhaps such things already exist around, I'll check!