P362 Euclid Manhattan and Chebyshev

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gardengnome     2023-07-27 07:47:14
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Hi Rodion,

Many thanks for this little new problem. I think the checker works fine, but the answer for the example misses the return back to the starting point.

Rodion (admin)     2023-07-27 09:20:46
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Hi Mathias! Thanks for quick reaction, fixed!

BTW I was much impressed by your finding to mazes problem (and somewhat surprised to meet Herr Kirchhoff beyond the field of physics of electric currents) - thus mentioned your approach at the problem's notes. Thanks for researching and sharing this!

I wonder if there is convenient way to generalize this problem with distances.

Mister_Ed     2023-12-23 16:03:21


after several tries I still get "Your answer is wrong", which is ok but leads me to ask two questions:

1) Do the three persons all start at the first city? 2) Do they follow the same route?

What disturbs me most is that my results for the Euclidean distance are always smaller than the expected results. With only 11 cities it's feasible to compute all possible routes, I did that for three test-cases and checked the results (shortest Euclidean distance) with Geogebra which confirmed my results.

So obviously I'm missing something important. But would that be?

Any help would be appreciated.

gardengnome     2023-12-23 16:18:53
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Do you consider that it should be a round trip, i.e. that you have to return to the initial city? And the routes can be different for the different distance metrics.

Rodion (admin)     2023-12-23 16:20:18
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Hi Friend! For loop route starting point doesn't mattter, right?

Each travels his own shortest route. should they be same? probably not always :)

Mister_Ed     2023-12-23 17:30:03

Thanks for the very quick responses.

No, I didn't consider a round trip! And no, I didn't consider different routes either! So that are of course two things I missed. That helps a lot!

Thanks to you both and happy holidays.

Rodion (admin)     2023-12-24 07:18:16
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Best wishes to you and everyone too! The problem statement is slightly updated now to emphasize these two points - so thanks for raising the questions!

Mister_Ed     2023-12-24 18:22:50

Thanks again for the very quick answers, they really helped a lot. I've solved the problem an hour ago.

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