Elections and Happiness

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Phamtons     2024-11-15 20:51:32

I feel like Im getting lost in my rabbit hole trying to solve this.

So the idea is we have 3 rounds of voting, 1 to find the top 2 candidate, 2 to find the winner of the 2 and 3 to find who made everyone happy

The part I'm getting stuck on is why there is a need to have the 2 rounds of votes, if the winner is who has the most votes anyways.

The example given 1973 7 4 0.945 0.731 1 0.542; 0.272 0.11 0.042 1; 0.335 1 0.045 0; 1 0.005 0.783 0.323; 0.247 0.014 0.664 1; 1 0.005 0.018 0.071; 0.022 0.058 0.294 1

Candidate 4 has the most votes at 3 total votes as well as the most happiness 3.936 Candidate 1 has the second most votes (2 votes) as well as the second most happiness 3.821

In this example, the people voted for the right person no?

gardengnome     2024-11-16 00:22:14
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Hi, this problem aims to illustrate that voting systems can be perceived as skewed or unfair. Your are absolutely right that candidate 4 gets 3 votes in round 1, candidate 1 gets 2 votes, and the others get 1 vote each. Note that nobody gets the absolute majority of votes in round 1; that would require at least 4 of the 7 total votes. In this problem, we therefore always go to a head-to-head of the top two candidates in a second round. In a vote of candidate 1 versus candidate 4, candidate 1 gets 4 votes and candidate 4 gets 3 votes. Therefore candidate 1 wins. If voting was based on total happiness instead, candidate 4 would win.

Phamtons     2024-11-18 20:08:00

Hi, thank you for writting back.

Going off of the second part of your response, how did candidate 1 get 4 votes?

I'm sure this is where i get lost at. Is it where we compare the votes, and they recieve the "vote"?

gardengnome     2024-11-18 20:30:20
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Round 1:

         Cand1   Cand2   Cand3   Cand4
Voter1:  0.945   0.731   1.000   0.542 
Voter2:  0.272   0.110   0.042   1.000 
Voter3:  0.335   1.000   0.045   0.000
Voter4:  1.000   0.005   0.783   0.323
Voter5:  0.247   0.014   0.664   1.000
Voter6:  1.000   0.005   0.018   0.071
Voter7:  0.022   0.058   0.294   1.000

Round 2:

         Cand1                   Cand4
Voter1:  0.945                   0.542 
Voter2:  0.272                   1.000 
Voter3:  0.335                   0.000
Voter4:  1.000                   0.323
Voter5:  0.247                   1.000
Voter6:  1.000                   0.071
Voter7:  0.022                   1.000
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