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Hello Rodion and our fellow brethren and sistren of good will reading this!
I have noticed 2 minor flaws, first in task quicksort in phrase " (Bubble, (./selection) and Insertion sorts) " where, selection should be link to task and second one when viewing on phone. (with resolution 360x640 ) I have noticed that the task text is in the area for those useful pop up links which seems like an advertisement on the first glance. Aside from that I would like to draw attention to problem with user ranking system so it won't disappear as a bit more serious problem.
Radovan, Hi!
Thanks for bringing this to attention! I fixed the first (it seems selection and insertion links were broken also).
I've seen the second, just haven't come up with idea how to deal with it more gracefully.
About the the rank for those who haven't solved anything :) I've just remembered we have dedicated repo where issues could be collected. I'm afraid it become a bit neglected during last years. Probably we need to attach it to the site with some link.
Let me put this here to reduce disappearance chance :)
And please feel free to add comments or put other issues if I have forgotten anything. Hopefully this way they are bit better organized, than with forum posts...
Thanks for you fast reply!
I was really entertained by the verb "crawl" :D I didn't know that you have something like this. Seems like there is much more work to do that I could even imagine. I hope you can reduce the list soon. I was thinking of posting this under our colleagues "text flying screensaver" post but then I remembered that it would be a bit messy. If I notice something else I will put it here since there is no such branch but only general discussions. Since I am posting to forums quite frequently I am trying to search for similar topics to post to. Maybe you could add feature (solved - unsolved) like there is on github to make forum posts a bit more easier to orientate or consider function "removing" or at least "hiding" some topics?
Hellow again! I have found typoo in task 177 "As an example you can thing of the expression like this"
Oh my! thanks, fixed! Initially we had small feature to report typos via "select and press ctrl-enter" or something like this - but it appeared unhandy both for me and for people...
Helow once again, in this not-so favorite branch. As I was looking in ranking list, I have noticed the text "among top x.x%" next to user ranking in their profile, as a part of bug which I already reported , this is however from the different end. As I noticed, our colleague is the last person, who does have non zero rating, ("among top 0,1%"). First 19 people have this value set to zero so they are among top 0,0% which does not seem right to me. What I wanted to imply by this post, is the fact that simply removing people with no tasks solved might not be solution to this ranking problem at all. I have no suggestions how to improve this :( but I just wanted to highlight this topic once more, maybe someone else could come with an idea how to improve this because it would be a pity just to remove it.