Problems 187-189

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gardengnome     2021-02-25 22:18:31
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Has anybody recently completed one of the problems 187 to 189 (static web page, basics of html, dynamic web page)? My solutions get refused as incorrect though they look ok to me; the page sources look identical to the examples given (other than the specific secret values of course).

Rodion (admin)     2021-02-25 22:53:57
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Mathias, Hi!

The checkers for these problems are working, I've just tested...

My solutions get refused as incorrect

What verdict you are told by checker? Generally difficulties with these task were due to the rejection cause not being clear enough, so perhaps there is something to improve...

gardengnome     2021-02-26 06:06:46
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Problem 187: "Your file does not contain what was asked. Please check it again." My file is a 23 byte .txt file containing "Secret value is 6917811"

Problem 188: "Your file does not contain Secret Value or it is not outlined in Bold." My file is a .html file containing in its body "<p>Secret value is <b>2204848</b>.</p>"

Problem 189: Your output does not start with "Random value is "... My file is a .php script with a single echo command "echo "Random value is " [...]"

Problem 190: "Failed to extract action url from form page" The URL provided as the answer points to a HTML form containing an "<form action="http://[...]/data/problem_0190.php">[...]</form>" element.

It looks okay from my end. Protocol is http. Web pages are up and running. The secret values were changed to the latest numbers. I checked the source code in the browser; it matches the sample solutions in the problems closely. I copy&paste the full URL both in the "Your answer" and the "Your solution" field.

Maybe I am misreading or misunderstanding something in the problem ask. Or maybe there is an issue with reaching the web host. Any pointers welcome, and many thanks!

Rodion (admin)     2021-02-26 06:39:15
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Well, it is a bit bewildering... Let's try to check it one at a time:

Problem 187: "Your file does not contain what was asked. Please check it again.

This means your URL was retrieved all right but content was not what checker expected. It is not quite informative, so let's have this message modified. Please try again and see - it should now tell what value was expected - and return the whole content retrieved from url encoded in base-64 (for case the hosting added something there).

gardengnome     2021-02-26 07:15:14
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Many thanks.

Here is what I see in the file: "Secret value is 7255635" (checked in multiple browsers)

Here is the reply from result checker: Your file does not contain secret value 7255635 or has some garbadge. Content in base-64 is: PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiIHNyYz0iL2Flcy5qcyIgPjwvc2NyaXB0PjxzY3JpcHQ+ZnVuY3Rpb24gdG9OdW1iZXJzKGQpe3Zhcg==

gardengnome     2021-02-26 07:29:19
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Ok, that decodes as some javascript code which has nothing to do with my page. Maybe my free web hosting solution is somewhat limited when accessing pages from other countries. I'll investigate as well.


Rodion (admin)     2021-02-26 07:43:17
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Oh, sorry for that. I now see it is about infinityfree hosting and it seemingly introduced some protection from loading pages programmatically. So the checker sees different things from what we see in the browser.

I'll remove it from recommendation list as it seemingly can't suit our purpose anymore, sorry for outdated information :(

gardengnome     2021-02-26 07:52:21
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No worries, thanks for checking. I'll find a different hosting service; the solutions are anyway ready. :)

gardengnome     2021-02-26 10:57:37
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Thanks once more; the third free hosting service finally worked.

Rodion (admin)     2021-02-26 11:02:01
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Thanks to you too as your case motivated improving the checker response!

the third free hosting service finally worked.

I see it is atwebpages - most curiously I removed it from the list some time in the past when it was causing troubles too... Let's add it back then :)

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