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Hi! My name is Aleksey Polinkin. I glad to be a member of this Abbey. I set myself the task in six months to solve 145, but 9 months passed :)
I competed with a friend about who will be first. I won :)
I am Lead Engineer in russian company that provide electronics and navigation. I first started programming from C language when I was developing equipment for spacecraft.
I am sure that I am the owner of the shortest code on the entire CodeAbbey :) I solved "Copy Line" (#167) with 15 symbols
Aleksey, Hi!
Thanks for your story! It's curious to met yet another electronics-related engineer here :) I myself started my career from this field and still give electronics classes in the local school!
I first started programming from C language when I was developing equipment for spacecraft.
Hopefully it's not about Phobos-Grunt
:) Sorry for sad joke!
Now it looks like you are learning Java, however?
I am sure that I am the owner of the shortest code on the entire CodeAbbey
That's true, but you share this achievement with 18 other people :) If you are curious about "code-golfing", you may put more attention to challenges like "Brain Fibo" or even better "BCD to Hex" and "Micro-Life"!
My congratulations, your certificate is ready at your profile! Thanks for your persistence!
P.S. answering your suggestion in other thread, here are less than 1/3 users from Russia, according to ranking page with filter by country - about 6.2k out of 41k. Anyway presence of Russian-speaking people here is slightly greater than could be expected - I believe, because the author/admin (me) had more opportunity to advert the site in national web-resources and was able to provide translations for few dozen problems himself...
Hello Rodion! The joke about Phobos-Grunt is still relevant, unfortunately :) That day, the whole department watched this short video broadcast. And this device on its board contained a part of the equipment produced by us. However, it was in no way involved in the crash, since it is intended only to fix the radiation situation on board.
Yes, now I decided to explore Java. My first choice fell on C# because I already had minimal experience with it. But after studying the job market, I decided that a language with a similar syntax, such as Java, would be more relevant today. I could be wrong.
I solved the Brian Fibo problem, but I will never return to it :) It's very exciting to solve puzzles with eight available operators, but programming in Brainfuck makes a real physical pain in my head, even though I solved them all except one ...
I'm not saying goodbye to this. At the moment I am in the 105th position, the closest goal is to get into the top 100. Further unsolved problems look even more difficult to me, so proportionally more time will have to be spent on them. Well, while my friend is trying to catch up with me, I will follow his progress. If he decides something that I have not decided, then I will have to accept the challenge :)
Yes, now I decided to explore Java. My first choice fell on C# because I already had minimal experience with it. But after studying the job market, I decided that a language with a similar syntax, such as Java, would be more relevant today. I could be wrong.
As Java programmer I don't like Java very much, but I confirm you are not wrong. C# and Java are quite parallel, though C# is better developed - on the other hand Java Virtual Machine is far more widely used and some large fields exploit it (e.g. almost whole world of BigData with zounds of its technologies in Java/Scala etc)
but programming in Brainfuck makes a real physical pain
I hope to revive idea of problems in AvrAsm one day...
UPD make sure to follow most general java coding style if you are serious about it. Yours is more similar to C# and this is a sin in eyes of most java devs. Any bugs could be forgiven, but not sins against coding style, you know :)