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My name is Kalodkin Kiryl. I solved 125 problem myself without cheating. Please review my solutions and grant me the certificate. Thank you for tasks.
Kiryl, Hi!
Thanks a lot for your devoted participation. As neither I nor anyone else have any objections, I will add your certificate in a few hours, when I get home!
BTW, your avatar is very cool :D
UPD Certificate was added to your profile. Please check whether data are correct:
Yes, with my pleasure :)
You only need to provide me your postal address - either here, or by e-mail.
Address: Belarus, Rechytsa, Panova 11/30 Zip Code: 247500 Addressee: Kalodkina Natalla.
When the letter will go to my home I, maybe, will not be at home. So send the letter to my mother.
Kiryl, Hi!
I've just came from post office. The tracking number of your letter is RB478233499RU
(I think it will become visible few hours later).
If possible please notify me when it will reach you. Also feel free to tell if you will not receive it in about 2-3 weeks - we'll
try to fix it :)