Problem 74 - Clock Hands I think somethings wrong with the input data

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santosmarco_     2017-08-29 16:18:20

Ok. My code might be somehow mistaken, but I know I have put a lot of effort to come up with an algorithm good enough to be right with all exact input datas. Well, but only with exact input datas...

Here's my code (Python):

from math import sqrt

qtdHoras = int(input('Entre com a quantidade de horas para calcular as coordenadas: ').strip())

horarios = input('Entre com os horários fornecidos pelo CodeAbbey: ').strip().split()

result = []

for n in range(qtdHoras):
    if len(horarios[n]) == 5:
        hora = int(horarios[n][0]+horarios[n][1])
        hora = int(horarios[n][0])
    minuto = int(horarios[n][-2]+horarios[n][-1])
    hora %= 12
    total = (hora*60)+minuto
    if hora <= 6:
        yHora = (-total + 480)/30
        xHora = 10+(sqrt(36-(abs(10-yHora)**2)))
        yHora = 20-((-(total-360) + 480)/30)
        xHora = 10-(sqrt(36-(abs(10-yHora)**2)))
    if minuto <= 30:
        yMinuto = ((-minuto * 18) + 570)/30
        xMinuto = 10+(sqrt(81-(abs(10-yMinuto)**2)))
        yMinuto = 20-((-(minuto-30) * 18) + 570)/30
        xMinuto = 10-(sqrt(81-(abs(10-yMinuto)**2)))
    result.append(str(xHora)); result.append(str(yHora)); result.append(str(xMinuto)); result.append(str(yMinuto))

print('\n--- R E S U L T A D O ---\n'+' '.join(result))

Everything you have to do to try my code out is to copy-paste Problem 74's input data into your running interpreter and press Enter.

I have tried debugging my code by hand and 9:30's xHora variable returns (when doing by hand) 11.0. It's obvious, since 9:30 is right between 9:00 and 10:00, which return 10.0 and 12.0 respectively.

This problem's answer states that 9:30 should return 11.55291427.

I ask you then, what is wrong with my code?

goto     2017-08-30 00:36:02

Try to look at analog clock face and think how much hours hand y axis changes from 9:00 to 10:00, then from 10:00 to 11:00 and from 11:00 to 12:00. You may notice that the change ratio keeps decreasing until it reaches 12:00. Now take a look at this
You probably get the idea why coordinates of 9:30 is not in the midlle between 10 and 12, so i won't spoil the solution futher. This is a basic trigonometry related problem and you don't need to reinvent the wheel here, just find the right formulas.

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