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hello my name is chrysler, im use codeabbey for college purposes. Can you help me? Previously, I was suspended and all the problems on my account were unsolved, and now I need it for my studies, but it seems that my reading system is too fast in solving problems even though I only have to submit the problems that I have finished again. please help me in dealing with this problem because I really need it for my college, thank you
it seems that
it seems that again some of solutions you uploaded are blatantly copied from different accounts
this again led to your account being blocked
sorry, Friend, but what do you want of me? how can I prevent you from cheating? I don't object you want to cheat your professors etc, but the site won't allow it. that's all
i understand there are some problems i am working on similar to a different account the algorithm i created too. i also have a different account on codeabbey i feel codeabbey to be a place for me to learn. so can you please unsuspend my account i still want to learn to use this site and in the future I will try to solve the problem in a way that I made myself and I will do my best. sorry for what happened earlier
so can you please unsuspend my account
yes, surely, I can. I would be glad to :)
But I need your help. As I told before, you need carefully review all your solutions and collect a list of those which you really copied from other people.
Then I can mark them as unsolved.
Without it, if I unlock the account, it will get automatically locked again immeadiately on the next submission.
Do you understand this "logic"?
E.g. we need to remove offending solutions from your account to bring it back to life.
I can't browse all these dozens myself and manually check which are "borrowed". It will take too much time for me. I just can see when the system stops complaining.
yeah, sure i can Pitch and Notes, King and Queen, Girls and Pigs, Yacht or Dice Poker, Duel Chances, Body Mass Index, Fibonacci Divisibility Advanced
I am somewhat annoyed by the large number of obvious cheaters that regularly create extra work for Rodion when they ask him to unsuspend their account. In this particular case, look for instance at the solution for Blackjack Counting (#42). This is so obvious a plagiarism: the coding style is completely different to other solutions by the user, with extensive comments, different naming of functions, different spacing, and so on. And this is not in the list of offending solutions shared above.
yes, I know, bro, before that, I also made a list of problems that I imitated. but in the report that I previously made using a different account I thought the unsolved code that I had reported could no longer be submitted, so I just tried it, in the previous suspend the code that I made myself was also unsolved. That's what makes me curious whether I also have to re-create the code that I made myself and for the problem that I copied too, I just want to find out whether it really can't be submitted or not. for some of the problems that I imitated, I did not even include them in the list of how many problems that could be solved assigned by my lecturer
for the problems that have been solved, blackjack counting and Fibonacci Divisibility will be included in the list and for the Hexagonal Grid, Cloud Altitude Measurement is what I have included in the list in the previous report and I will try to solve it in a way that I make myself later
Mathias, Hi and thanks for your kind words :) really this is somewhat annoying and at some point even frustrating to me :)
I understand we should not be too hard on the fellows - it happened like this: few years ago one of professors from Jakarta University (I guess) solved enough problems here to get certificate and was so inspired that seemingly since then he or his colleagues insist that students should solve problems here. Of course he didn't mean any evil :)
However poor students seemingly are not all equally motivated to solve problems properly so very soon we had even several "clusters" of similar solutions multiplied by dozens (nowadays probably hundreds) of people. My main concern was that all those clones appear in the solution search and since many of them are of poor quality they reduce educational value of the feature of reviewing other's solutions. So at some point account locking come into place but it is also annoying "feature".
I thought of other approaches - perhaps we should add some "qualified" flag on accounts and solution search should only bring up solutions from such account. How exactly set this flag? should people make community request? But how we avoid situation when some bright person solves in some rare language and doesn't care about requesting such status...
To Chrysler - Friend, sorry for delay. Here is a difficulty - after I reset problems you mentioned, there still was indication of many "borrowings". I checked manually and quickly found funny situation - for example one of the first problems you solved "Skyscrapper Prices" - it is much harder than trivial "Body Mass Index" - and surely I at once found where you have taken the solution :)))
So it seems you mostly didn't care to solve anything yourself yet.
How to help you?
Well, I reset all problems higher than ID=30
to unsolved. Anyway smaller and shorter problems are too trivial to
distinguish plagiarism. Your account is unlocked so you can proceed.
But please, stop stealing solution. Sorry for saying it straight :)
See, I do not mean anything evil to you. You are in college and you are supposed to study. If you study properly you
quickly become cool guy like Mathias
who joined above - much respected and with big salary etc. We all love
respect and big salaries, right :)
However if you continue trying to cheat your professors - well, perhaps you succeed to some degree - but generally this only bring you to situation when you graduated the college but has hard time looking for work, because every interview detects your knowlege gaps etc. By and by you'll find some work, but probably dull and not very well paid. You'll be ever angry for such situation :)
So I recommend heartily: do right things - invest your efforts into building your skills properly - this will make your life much more pleasant by and by :)