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You are given a tree with N nodes, numbered 0 to N-1. The root node of the tree is node 0. You have to find the value of the tree. This is the same as the value of the root node of the tree. (See explanation below) The tree value can be quite large, so you are asked to give the result modulo 1000000007 (10^9 +7).
Remember that the depth of a node is its distance from the root. So the root node has depth 0, all child nodes of the root node have depth 1; children of these child nodes have depth 2 and so on. Remember also that a leaf node is any node that has no children. The node to which any node is attached, joining it to the tree, is called its parent node.
The value of any leaf node is equal to its depth. For other nodes we need to do a calculation to find the node value. First we find the values of each of their child nodes. We take the biggest of these (p) and the smallest (q). The value of the node is then p^3 * q^2. For example, if a node has three children with values 5, 2 and 7 then p = 7 and q = 2, giving a node value of 7^3 * 2^2 = 1372. For a node with only one child having a value of 3, we have p = 3 and q = 3, giving a node value of 3^3 * 3^2 = 243.
To check that you have understood the problem correctly, the following table gives all of the node values for the tree of 21 nodes (numbered 0 to 20) in the example below.
0 189076013219253356713152 = 273443105 modulo 1000000007
1 57395628
2 2
3 1
4 1
5 32
6 2
7 243
8 32
9 3
10 3
11 3
12 32
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
18 3
19 2
20 2
Note that the example has been made deliberately small to assist in explaining the problem. The actual problem will describe a tree which is about 50 times bigger.
Input/Output description: The first line of the input data will contain 2 space-separated integers N and M. N is the number of nodes in the tree. These are numbered 0 to N-1. M lines of data follow. Each of these lines contains 20 space-separated integers. These are the parent nodes of nodes 1, 2, 3, etc. The first line contains the parents of nodes 1 to 20, the second line contains the parents of nodes 21 to 40, and so on until the parents of all nodes in the tree have been read. Your answer is a single integer, the value of the root node (modulo 1000000007).
21 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 7 7 0 8 12 5 1 12 7 1 12
Dear Clive, Hi and thanks a lot!
Your problem is online now - and I'm very glad for it had break in amidst this a bit monotonous chain of old problems (three left at least)!
I can't at once fathom the idea myself, need to ponder more on this - but it much remind of various trees used in data storing / compression algorithms. Very curious :)
This problem has quite some hidden depth - pun intended - I like it a lot, many thanks.
Mathias, Hi
Many thanks for your kind words. I'm glad that you liked the problem.
You may be interested in the following; although I am choosing my words carefully for those who have yet to solve the problem. Those who have solved it will probably understand my comments.
Usually, I have an idea for a problem and then refine it into something usable. In this case I had a concept that I wanted to include within a problem but had no idea what the problem might look like. There was also a need to ensure that special language features would not result in a huge simplification of the problem. This aspect was the biggest hurdle to overcome. The problem took me significantly longer to develop than I had expected. The idea for the tree came quite late in the development. In the end I was pleased to have achieved what I had originally intended to do.
I hope that other colleagues find it a fun problem too.
I somewhat arrogantly assumed job done once I had the logic for traversing the tree. How wrong I was - several more aha-moments were required. And I initially made the logical mistake of keeping numbers modulo m at every step. All in all a real fun challenge.
Well, this is extremely pleasing feeling after you kick around with pencil-and-paper (as Clive taught, ha-ha) trying to pursue the way which, as it seems afterwards, is in quite wrong direction - and then after some unrelated "click" in the head you stumble upon different approach, erase 3/4 of the code, quickly complete the idea and with much surprise find it working. I still wonder if it is possible to solve without you-know-what.
This problem keeps on giving - these are the best challenges. Thanks once more CSFPython :). Almost full circle back to the original simple idea with a small tweak.
...and you can even drop one modulus operation from your latest version (since n << M).
Hi zelevin,
I know but I like the symmetry between the two parts of the if-else statement;
makes it clearer to myself what I am trying to do.
Btw, it was the return {depth: 1}
in your latest solution that got me thinking that we do not need all that
"complicated stuff" (after following your step-by-step code simplification and compaction in awe).
Update: And I can see that Rodion was actually the first with the simpler approach (if I understand his PHP code correctly)!
Well, that's much surprising - I quickly looked at already existing solutions after mine passed - and thought at first glance they are roughly the same! was a bit in hurry since spent a lot of time on my "wrong approach" and needed to rush to family "picnic" soon - that's why was so glad to solve it just before going, so it won't hang on me like damocles sword
Wanted to convert this topic to "private for task 296" so we can go in depth - but it occurred to me Clive won't be able to see it until own submission. So created another private topic to discuss (but now suddenly I got that Clive won't see it too yet).