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I've been trying to use the included code running tools to run Brainfuck code, but if your code starts as ;>; you are not prompted for input at the semicolons. Is there a way to provide input? I have been using +'s for input, but in Problem #167 a whole line of text is required as input making the +'s impractical.
I don't think I understand what you are asking, but this is what I did ...
I ran my code on the "problem page".
I put the input in the "Test data" area, my code in the "Your solution" area and pressed the "Brainf* *k" button to test it.
A "semicolon" is for reading multi digit numbers, so won't be any good for this problem.
I used "comma" to read each character.
You've cleared it up for me. Since I've been using Basic I haven't been able to run code on site until now. So you put data in the Test data area. Seems embarrasingly obvious now.
why is always displayed
Expected answer was: Wrong result for input: 9 0 1
Your input data:5 2 4
what option then need to decide?