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- - - X X X X
- - - X - - -
- X - X - X X
- - X X X X X
- X X X - - -
- - - X X X -
- - - X - - -
- - - - - - X
- - - - - - X
- X - - - X -
It's wrong! But why?! I don't understand... :(
Sorry... :)
It's wrong! But why?! I don't understand... :(
Hi! I'm not sure what you are trying to show - two consequent states or what...
Make sure please:
P.S. note that you probably can easily find life game simultators online in the web and try your configuration to see how it changes.
Thanks for the help, Rodion. You wrote: - you don't cut off the cells at the edge of your field.
I used only 5x7 field. That was my mistake.
P.S. I like this site. Very interesting problems. :)
I dont understand what's wrong too.
16 first move
12 second move
10 3rd
7 4th
5 5th
but Expected answer was 8 9 9 13 8 Again: - any organism which have less than 2 or more than 3 neighbors will die (not passing to next turn); - at the same in each empty cell, which is surrounded by exactly 3 neighbor organisms, a new one is born.
Hi! I'm not sure, but it looks like your answer was produced by different initial setup. This may happen, for example, if you reopen problem page (either reload or open in another browser tab). Please check this once more if possible.
You see, the result is too much different from input, which is weird :)
Thank you for your answer, Rodion :) but I tried it 3 times. and always result was too much different. surprisingly, with an example it works without errors