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Hello, it's me!
I got rubrics cube some time ago and I know that there is already existing task for this but anyway I would like to suggest an advanced problem.
Task would look like:
Front 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Back 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc.
And you are about to write program that would output steps to solve the cube (or at least 1 color).
I was also thinking that this task wasn't invented on purpose because it would already exist but I hope this post is at least somewhat inspiring or useful.
Radovan, Hello!
Glad to hear from you - hope everything is fine :)
I'm ashamed to say that I haven't yet implemented your previous suggestion. Though after much browsing about various "sliding puzzles" - the direction you really inspired - I came to idea of problem which requires solving Klotski puzzle but with some non-standard / randomized starting position. The small trouble is that I haven't solved it myself yet, though I think I understand how it should work. Another (perhaps, simpler idea) - problem on arraynging famous "15 puzzle" - perhaps I shall fall back to it...
As about solving Rubik's Cube... Well, I learned it (manually) myself just several years ago... By the way - how fast do you solve it? Mine records never went better than 10-15 minutes :( As about programming - I feel it would be tough thing from "implementation" aspect (even the existing one is a bit annoyingly complicated) - so I first should try it myself. If I don't die on it - perhaps we really can try offer it to others :)
I'm ashamed to say that I haven't yet...
One wise man once said: "At least line a day." (I really wanted to use this quote :D )
I hope on yourside everything is fine too. I have noticed a large amount of topics about problems with posting problem solutions. I think that maintenace is more important than inventing new tasks.
As about solving Rubik's Cube... Well, I learned it (manually) myself just several years ago
My intentions were different. I just wanted to learn how to solve it rather than figure it out by myself
I learned it from internet quite fast.
(I doubt that I could learn it without help). Also I had quite a break with programming and so :(
(Since holidays started I did nothing productive at all so I am trying break that habit but.. aehm holidays are holidays)
The true reason why I get it, is because I saw a task here (but I didn't read it before) and that inspired me to put on my
to-do list "get a rubrik's cube and learn to solve it" untill end of summer. (done
So I don't think that I could compare to anyone who solved it without help
but I have to admit, it's really fun to play with it.
(even the existing one is a bit annoyingly complicated) As I was thinking about it (since I didn't solve it yet) I tought that I could use pair object then link positions with colors and create methods U,U',D,D',L,L',R,R',F,F',B,B' so it would not be that hard after all even that more difficult task (just add methods that would move certain colors to certain places). Hopefully I will programe it in very near future, in the worse case at least until the end of summer.
P.S In previous posts about translations you said "P.P.S. If you are curious, let's check after a month or two the stats for these new pages!" I am curious if anyone checked it out. (I don't have high expectations) but I'd like to know! :-)
Edit: the quote is "at least small commit daily" (not "at least line a day") my bad.
Radovan, Hi!
Sorry for delay, but let me answer your latest question. I hope you are not very frustrated with the result - it is greater than zero, but yet not too large :)
Here is the stats for last 30 days:
You see, total count is 26 pageviews. Though good thing is that they are "quality" pageviews, with users do reading them rather than just opening and closing at once.
For comparison here are 540 pageviews in Chinese during the same period and 2600+ in Russian. However these were created years ago and have more local sites pointing to them, supposedly.
I have noticed a large amount of topics about problems with posting problem solutions.
Yep, there was some crumbling, but I hope it resolved. What really distracts during the last weeks is the onflow of cheaters. So I decided to introduce some means to find and suspend them... Not exactly what I want to spend the time on... :o