Does anyone use RSS?

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Rodion (admin)     2014-12-11 08:59:10
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I'm considering adding RSS-feed for the site.

However the only obvious news to send to feed would be news about new problems.

Do you think it could be useful to you? Do you use RSS at all? I don't - that is why I know little about it :)

Or do you find it more convenient nowadays to use FaceBook or Twitter instead of RSS?

Moff     2014-12-11 10:58:46
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It would be more useful to check project news.

Is there project twitter? I missed a link.

Rodion (admin)     2014-12-12 10:32:16
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Ok, thanks!

I added simple RSS generator (and generated our first RSS) - though now it contains only single test event :)

Now I should create some new task(s) to announce them via this channel... ha-ha...

As about twitter - I initially used personal twitter account but removed link long ago since no one followed it - and I myself is not great twitter user... :-(

Moff     2014-12-12 10:58:13
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How to receive the RSS at Android? I've installed feedly, but it can find only registered RSS. Any ideas?

Rodion (admin)     2014-12-12 11:12:41
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I tried to install it.

Looks like you simply should tap the button in left-top corner, then "Add Content" and then enter url of the site, e.g.

Moff     2014-12-17 12:06:11
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I've missed RSS about "Frodo and Black Riders", it still only "RSS feed added"?

Rodion (admin)     2014-12-17 14:07:42
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The same for me, though I see that rss file is updated if I reload it in the browser. It seems to be cached somehow - going to research this problem... Sorry for inconvenience!

Rodion (admin)     2014-12-18 15:01:13
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From now RSS should be served as dynamic content and not cached.

However it is necessary to remove old subscription and resubscribe since the url have changed to:

Sorry for I've created several test messages and they are looking like spam.

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