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i have some trouble with this problem : 15 324113112311424 232233332333132 212423312323142 112341323133233 211214144214441 331341343133321 414244332241133 242441232233223 112213314311311 313234321333242 321324143231224 124221111142133 421122234442344 321232432134343 341411434243121 78 4 8, 9 2, 2 13, 2 4, 5 11, 11 5, 7 8, 13 13, 9 7, 11 4, 7 0, 5 0, 10 6, 2 3, 0 6, 2 3, 14 11, 8 1, 10 6, 8 0, 8 2, 5 0, 14 4, 14 7, 14 7, 12 6, 11 1, 8 2, 12 7, 10 5, 1 7, 3 1, 9 3, 4 2, 6 7, 4 0, 2 2, 1 0, 0 0, 9 0, 10 4, 6 3, 10 0, 11 6, 10 3, 6 3, 6 2, 0 1, 6 0, 5 4, 2 5, 12 1, 6 0, 6 0, 1 0, 4 5, 6 0, 3 2, 0 3, 1 3, 7 2, 5 0, 2 0, 3 4, 0 0, 4 1, 4 4, 3 0, 5 0, 3 0, 0 1, 2 0, 0 2, 1 0, 2 1, 0 3, 1 0, 0 0
i found 742 the expected answer is 678
did you have any trouble with the test data i think the checker is wrong
ok thanks i will try again
can you please give me score after each step it's will be a great help thanks
0 15 25 35 36 64 74 89 90 96 102 108 111 117 118 124 125 128 129 220 221 227 318 319 322 332 368 369 372 375 376 377 392 437 440 455 461 464 485 491 492 498 501 502 503 504 505 511 521 524 525 526 527 542 557 572 573 576 586 587 588 589 610 613 614 615 616 626 632 633 661 662 663 664 665 666 672 675 678 Good Luck!
thank you so much :)
finnaly i found it.
thanks to you. it was a bug in the recursive function thant find the adjacents cells with the same value.. once again thanks ...