Problem 120 Selection Sort

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Shantanu Barik     2019-04-16 04:22:07

Hello you all, I don't really have a problem per say, but more like I don't understand the question.


You are to implement the algorithm described above and print out the index of selected maximum at each pass.

Input data will contain N - the size of array - in the first line. Next line will contain the array itself (all elements will be different). Answer should contain indices of the maximums at each pass (N-1 values).


input data:


31 41 59 26 53 58

answer: 2 2 2 1 0


That above is the example. What is don't understand is in the example. First of all there 6 seperate numbers in the example and 5 answer, what's with that. And then, if I manually do the question, max no. '59' is on the index 2 and got shifted to the back. And there a 2 in the answer, okay, nice.

Then the new list becomes [31 41 26 53 58]. Now the max no. is 58 at index 4, but in the answer it's again 2.

new list = [31 41 26 53] again in this, the max no. would be 53 at index 3 and theres no 3 in the index.

So, am I not understanding something? If yes, please explain. I'm kinda stuck on this one for like an hour.

Rodion (admin)     2019-04-16 06:01:00
User avatar

Hi there!

It seems to be a little confusion about one of the steps:

Then the new list becomes [31 41 26 53 58]

Not so! You do shifting the "tail" of the array to fill in the hole. But shifting is a costly operation (in this case it will make algorithm as slow as O(N^3) instead of O(N^2)). That is why we fill in the gap in easier way:

swap it with the last element in the sub-array (i.e. with position N-2)

E.g. in this example we proceed like this:

[31 41 59 26 53 58]
        ^       ^

[31 41 58 26 53] 59
        ^    ^

[31 41 53 26] 58 59
        ^ ^

[31 41 26] 53 58 59
     ^ ^

[31 26] 41 53 58 59
  ^ ^

Hope this helps!

Shantanu Barik     2019-04-16 07:04:58

Ahhh, now I understand. Thanks for the explanation, mate.

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