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So our opensource site is alive now and got its own name: OpenAbbey.
You are welcome to try and test it (yes, please!) - there are a few new problems already.
Some notes:
, and code running - these features will be added by and by
(they won't work without dedicated site so anyway we couldn't have them added earlier).UPD Thanks, Quandray, link fixed :)
UPD2 30 minutes ago got notification for hosting (digital ocean) they have emergency situation so the site could be temporarily inaccessible :(
I am not sure if this question is supposed to be here but connected with "new" and "problems" I would like to ask if are you planning to add new problems to Problems list here on CodeAbbey. ?
Hi there and thanks for the question!
I have no definitive conclusion :) The key idea is that if new problems are added here, they need to be of average or higher level (so that efforts needed to reach "certification" do not degrade). On the other hand I am quite poor in inventing good stuff and thus it become hard to come up with problems of decent degree. Thus I'm more ready to add something if proposed by other fellows (as it happened with "Sick Travellers").
Newbie question:
There are some issues labled easy/simple that could be done with few lines of html/css - are those left intentionally, so that people with no web programming experience (like me) could participate? It's very tempting to contribute, but i'm afraid that my changes would be too trivial/unnecessary.
By the way, it seems you are far above the threshold needed for certificate, so if you just tell how your name should be inscribed on it, I will gladly add it at once!
As to your question - yes, such "small improvements" are useful especially for people who don't feel well acquainted with github flow and web design. So if you feel inclined - you are welcome. Some of them (for example improving formatting of solved problem list on profile page) though simple may require bit more than single line...
The matter is that contributing (and accepting contribution) to opensource project often is not quite easy. With larger changes it may happen that after contributor creates PR it appears that project owner wanted something different, or the code is too much out of style etc. This all often leads to mutual frustration. So I thought it could be good to add simple issues too. :)
BTW it seems some of the issues I closed with recent changes - I'll try to refresh the list and add something probably.
Its Really Nice hope it really helps
wish us growing up togeter