So apparently I already had an account

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DMG_PXCAB     2022-07-07 21:55:34

I recently registered into CodeAbbey with a Username/Password. Naturally, I forgot my password, so I tried resetting it, but I got the message:

"Something wrong with username or email :("

So I thought "let's try and login with Google". Well, it turns out, that a couple of years ago, I had already done that and even solved some problems. I am currently writing from that (old) account.

Generally, it would be nice to not allow registering with a mail that's used in one's Google account.

Specifically, I would like to keep only my new account (the other one) and to be able to reset my password with it.

Rodion (admin)     2022-07-07 22:03:05
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Hi Friend!

sorry for inconvenience!

it would be nice to not allow registering with a mail that's used in one's Google account

that's a bit tricky since (in our century of paranoia) the site doesn't store emails used for registration (either with login or via google) - in first case only hash is stored, in the second only some google internal ID :)

Particularly I have no idea what is your new account or what is your email so it's bit difficult to help. But feel free to provide more info and I think we'll figure out something about returning your account to you!

DMG_PXCAB     2022-07-07 22:08:02

Wow... that was a super fast reply. Thanks!

I thought that the issue was caused by my mail being already present somewhere. My other username is DMG_PXACC (as you can see I'm not super creative with usernames).

DMG_PXCAB     2022-07-07 22:12:58

Also, I do keep the source code for all the problems I've solved if that may be used as proof of my ownership.

Rodion (admin)     2022-07-07 22:32:54
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Well, about "fast reply" - you see, I just logged into site after being distracted for about two weeks, very silly of me. So it is just coincidence...

May I ask what is your email though? I see the account handle is **** so I think it was automatically derived from email upon registration but I can't find something which yields matching hash... I just wonder whether I can figure out why it won't let you to restore password...

DMG_PXACC     2022-07-08 12:16:08

Ok, I figured it out. Username must be written in lowercase for the recovery procedure to properly detect it.

Thanks for the help! If you wish, you can add that to the recovery page info.

Finally, considering this is publicly readable (no login required), can you archive (or at least anonymize) my account handle mentioned above.


DMG_PXCAB     2022-07-08 12:17:20

Ok, I figured it out. Username must be written in lowercase for the recovery procedure to properly detect it.

Thanks for the help! If you wish, you can add that to the recovery page info.

Finally, considering this is publicly readable (no login required), can you archive (or at least anonymize) my account handle mentioned above.


Rodion (admin)     2022-07-08 18:41:58
User avatar

Oh, that is quite silly of me - thanks a lot for testing and solving this issue!

I'll go and check and perhaps if it needs to be in lowercase I'd better convert it automatically on server-side to lowercase, no need to instruct user...

considering this is publicly readable (no login required), can you archive (or at least anonymize) my account handle mentioned above.

Ahm, sure - erased it in the message (hopefully I understand correctly what it is about).

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