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This is yet another problem based on the solution to the well-known Tower of Hanoi puzzle.
Rodion, the problem description and Setter/Solver routines should be in your inbox.
Clive, thanks a lot and sorry for delay - this new puzzle is live now. I dare say this "author's note" or even "hint" in the end is much intriguing especially that on first glance this "number of discs ... to be less than 600" impresses beyond measure :)
Interesting that for long time in the past Hanoi Tower problem was considered by me but without any idea how to make puzzle of it. And now here is already a handful of problems about this curious toy!
When adding the previous Hanoi Tower problem I forgot initially the authorship note and the internal flag which allows author to see the code - very sorry for that - this time, hopefully, I haven't missed anything.
Many thanks for putting the problem in place and, once again, thanks to Mathias for confirming that it is working as expected, by solving it so soon after it was published. I am always amazed at how quickly you manage to do this!
Interesting puzzle. Basic solution idea is not too dissimilar to the previous tower-of-hanoi problems, but the conditions and branches need a bit of careful thinking.
Thank you!
Thank you, Clive. This was a fun one.