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Hi friend, i'm so sorry, can i get back my account and you just delete that problem, I know that behavior is very disrespectful, I will never do that again sir, thank you
sorry, my account keeps getting suspended, can you help me unsuspend it, bro? The problem was that his account wasn't logged in at all at that time
I've done it over and over and it's definitely been suspended, I'm asking for help in unsuspending it
Bubble in Array, Yacht or Dice Poker (Python), Paths in the Grid, those problem that I have stolen from others account, can you just delete those and give my account back sir, i'm so sorry for my bad attitude
Hi Friend!
Your account doesn't look like suspended.
You are free to resubmit any solutions.
but all the answers have been deleted, bro, can my answers be restored?
Min, I'm sorry, can you open it so I can move on to the next question? The problem is I can't answer the questions because more than 5 questions are wrong. and I can't answer it. Please help, sis. Thank You
Hi! you are again stealing solutions. It's obvious. Very bad. Your account will be reset soon :(
and I can't answer it.
It is a lie, sorry. How you could solve "Bubble sort" but not being able to solve "Bubble in array" which is the part of the previous. You spent so much time stealing solutions. You could instead learn programming already.
You have time till Monday to solve all the unsolved tasks in your account. And stop cheating, please. No one likes cheaters.