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Hello! This is Amit from Bangladesh. It's been a wonderful journey so far with CodeAbbey.
I am an SQA engineer by profession. Besides finding issues with others' solution, I love to think & solve problems a lot. While solving CodeAbbey problems, I had to find issues with my code also, debug them & get accepted. Honestly, this is an awesome feeling! Previously, I used to code for ProjectEuler in my undergrad. I use both C/C++ & Python.
I love solving simulation & game related problems mostly. Still I have a lot to go. It's my absolute pleasure to reach the milestone of 145
problems 1st time from my country.
Thanks a lot for giving this opportunity. And I hope to keep going & contributing from my side also. :)
So, I request for my certification with this piece of information:
Name: Amit Saha
Country: Bangladesh
Amit, Hi!
Thanks for your persistence - and your story! Your certificate is ready - congratulations!
It's a pleasure to meet someone of QA people - I always feel respect to those who help making software solutions more robust and predictable! :)
I used to code for ProjectEuler in my undergrad
I noticed your PE banner at profile - 187 is an impressive number! My count is slightly over 50, as I believe!
to reach the milestone of 145 problems 1st time from my country
Yes, that's very cool! Though my memory is poor, I think it is the first time we put Bangladesh flag onto certificate! Though, interesting, looking into wiki I found your country has comparable population to mine (even a bit greater)!
I had to find issues with my code also, debug them & get accepted. Honestly, this is an awesome feeling!
He-he, as developers, we need to dedicate a lot of time to finding flaws, issues, errors and mistakes - in our own and others code. Your words revive one of my ideas - to create small resource with challenges about fixing issues in small programs :)
Thank you a lot, Rodion!
one of my ideas - to create small resource with challenges about fixing issues in small programs
this one sounds really good. I believe bug fixing is equally important as coding.