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I came across a card game called SET at Christmas but was not very good at it! I thought it would make a good implementation problem.
Rodion, the relevant files are in your e-mail.
Dear Clive, Hi!
Thanks a lot, I applied the files and it works immediately, as usual. I had a kind of cascade of feelings reading through
the explanations: starting with thought it is a game similar to Rummy
(much wrong, seems now) - ending with feeling
that it really requires extraordinary perceptive skills. I wonder if statistics for this game show that, perhaps, women
are better in it as there is suggestion women easier concentrate on several items at once...
You may well be right about women being good at the game. I haven't played it enough to know to what extent this is true. My son is very good at this kind of mental process but he has always been much better than me at visualising things in 3D. There could well be a connection between this and the ability to deal successfully with the requirements of SET.
Thanks for the problem, Clive, and thanks for the blame / credit, Mathias. My solution is extremely similar to yours, although I managed to avoid indexing the properties.
Interestingly enough, my sister once wrote a paper that compared the combinatorial nature of this game to that of quantum chromodynamics.
Hi All, My version bit looks like unzip version of Zelevin and gardengnome :-)
@sam_bandara It's pretty impressive, because they are practically one-liners. Of course, your solution is full of for loops whereas especially in zelevin's case it's obvious that it's a functional approach that greatly shortens the code. Mostly, I'm happy to find a solution, but code brevity is an art form in it's own right, and a great flex!
Thanks Mate!! First time I heard about "Haskell"
I've taken a look at the Meta-set problem. It is certainly very much more demanding than the simple implementation exercise that I set. There is clearly scope for a number of different problems on this theme.