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I'm trying to resume the certification process which was paused about couple years ago.
My sincere apologies for making so long delay... :( But honestly I hadn't anticipated people doing strange things because of these humorous certificates...
As I told, we raise the level to 145
problems (not only because of certain cheating attempts but also because since
certificates were introduced, some amount of easier problems were added to site). Also some additional data about
person's progress is going to be used to avoid awarding people who tried, well, "alternative" ways :) Sorry for
these details are not going to be disclosed.
Today new Certificates of Stargazer (don't worry, they have just minor changes in design) were granted to: Photon, MissPython, JamBoltheads, Abhisek_, Mohamed Aziz
Please check correctness (e.g. name spelling, flag, links) and say if something went wrong
I'm going to continue, as currently here seem to be up to 50 more Fellows eligible. I only need to discover names which should be put onto certificates. And filter out invalid requests (like "grant me certificate for 86 problems as I have a bet with my friends")...
Hopefully this is a temporary situation and we'll have some more thoughtful certification system on the new site... just a bit later :)
P.S. for the future stargazers - now you need not post requests at forum - I will check the ranking table, say, weekly - just add your full name in the information box in your profile so I can copy it to certificate...
Graeme, thanks a lot for fast verification! It should be fixed now (though one of my browsers still yields 404 for the updated address). I'm sorry for mistake - it's all due to my laziness, I haven't automated picture generation procedure yet, so made a typo in a file name...
Added for mooninvader and aashilyaev also. Now I need to figure out names of some more people...
thanks a lot my name is meguedad abdelhakim 42 years old i work in oran algeria