Three Friendly Knights - A proposed new problem

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CSFPython     2024-04-09 07:38:35

There are many problems concerned with finding the number of arrangements of a given set of chess pieces on a chess board. Some of these are very challenging. I have set out to produce a problem which is different from the others that I have seen and one which is not too difficult to solve.

Rodion (admin)     2024-04-09 11:21:14
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Dear Clive! Thank you very much, this problem has some flavor of novelty, despite you say there are many such puzzles!

I durst to add explanation of knight's move, which may seem excessive and a bit ridiculous - but it seems that nowadays game of chess is a bit less popular than in times of Fischer and Kasparov and there could be people who don't know details. Also there are popular chess variants in China, Japan and other Asian countries which have somewhat unusual knights :)

CSFPython     2024-04-09 15:31:17


Thanks once again for the rapid response. And thank you for adding the clarification on the knight's move. That certainly makes the problem clearer. The diagram is a particularly nice touch.

Rodion (admin)     2024-04-11 04:24:04
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Oh, diagram was blatantly stolen from the referenced wiki article :) Just wanted to thank you once more as at last I managed to solve it - this puzzle is a curious case, at least to me, when the idea of solution jumps up easily but implementation is hampered by numerous cases and additionally by the necessity to watch for proper modular calculations. It may be of course that I simply missed some obvious simplification though!

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