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Hello! I would like to propse a new problem based on my own game. (That was older version but pretty much nothing changed except HUD)
I made this game as part of my highschool professional development. I had inspiration from task: life is simple. This game is based on interactions between blocks and player. Each block has its own properties and behavior. I made a quick video explaining it.
Player can move up, down, left or right and his task is to solve logical puzzle in order to proceed in map / level.
some of Block types:
Wall - nothing cannot move through
Brick - can be moved by one only
Box - you can move as many as your `strength` is
Turniket - is accesible from one way only, changes direction after `agility` (continuous) moves
Acess block - is accesible from one way only
Gravel - blocks cannot pass through
Food - increments `strength` by 1
Anti Food - decrement `strength` by 1
Shoes - increment `agility` by 1
Anti shoes - decrement `agility` by 1
Turnikets are changing direction clockwise.
Player starts with 1 strength and 1 agility
Strength minimal value can be 0 not less
Agility minimal value can be 1 not less
Player can end up in situation from where he cannot move (that is why I have load and save)
Problem statement might look like:
You are given size of the board
You are given x,y blocks with coordinates
You are given starting position (0,0 is in top left corner)
You are given x,y directions (inputs) to move
Answer might look like:
Print number of each block after processing input.
Print your last coordinates.
I hope that this is not too simple task, in that case maybe I could mention more blocks used in game but I think this might be a good example of making games. The game unofficial name is The Grinder. (I couldn't think of something better)
Radovan, Hi!
(sorry for delay, it took some time to study your game and think about it)
I wonder, how could it be inspired by "Life" game :) Is it not more resembling Sokoban? Though your version seems to be more complicated...
I hope that this is not too simple task
I would say it is "implementational" kind of problem :)
I just wonder, can I rewrite it in javascript/python easily so that it could be added to new site's "games" volume... For it may be more "visual" then...
By the way, have you to create all levels manually or some algorithm of generation could be employed?
Hello Rodion!
I wonder, how could it be inspired by "Life" game :) Is it not more resembling Sokoban?
The game of life task gave me a lot of inspiration, and I started to play with the rules even after solving the problem on my own. The first version of "The Grinder" look similar to my game of life window application.
If you are really curious you can downlaod it here. Sorry for using I kinda get used into it. (Make sure to click "stahnout pomalu" instead of "stahnout rychle") It contains the whole project and you should be able to run it also on linux (you just need java).
Is it not more resembling Sokoban? Well It might reseamble but I had no idea what it will look like once it is finished. I had a vision of moving boxes and this is what I made.
I started with the player, later I added some mechanics and textures (adding textures was spontanious step). The world is not generated, only the grass colors are random every time you start the game. I created the map in Adobe Photoshop with tool that could read map from image (with statically defined colors). This clicking on pixels wasn't so efficent for smaller areas and blocks so I made in-game tool that was adding blocks by clicking. The edited map was saved and converted into text file so I could use it as default map. (The game has save and load with quicksave/load). The map isn't really finished but it takes more than 30 mins (my personal speedrun without reading and with knowing what to do) to complete.
You have to find out what to do sometimes to proceed. Many people tough it's buggy when they played it and it isn't. (at least not in the way they expected to, it may have bugs I am also only human :D) The version I uploaded has dev mode (mouse listener) so if you decide to play it, use W/A/S/D only (and "NOVÁ HRA" for new game). (mouse is for editing map) Map ends when you complete this puzzle.
Thansk for your answer!
P.S tag arrays
would fit here too since that is the most important part of the game.