Typos in problems

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Artyom Tsatinyan     2024-01-02 13:57:12
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"Thus the first sum-of-digits which is divisible by 10 is for number 19. The next is for number 27."

It is 28 actually, the example is correct tho

input data:

19 28 109
moxieman     2024-01-02 16:18:38
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Good catch!

As a general question, is this where we would report minor typos with the text of problems, even if they don't interfere with the values or actual problem?

For example in the text for Problem 198 (Prn Hex Str) it is written "...a character whith higher nibble...". Just noticing a few very minor things like that. Not a big issue but if it's a simple matter of pointing out an unnoticed spelling/grammar error to get it fixed then just wondering if this should be the place to do that :)

Rodion (admin)     2024-01-03 07:13:54
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Friends, Hi, and thanks for help!

Fixed 28 and with.

is this where we would report minor typos

Good question. The matter is we don't have better way, so doing this in forum should be fine. Perhaps, let me modify the title of this specific thread and somehow link it to problem descriptions everywhere a bit later. Then any further suggested corrections could be added here.

(at the very beginning there was a feature like, you know, select the typo and press ctrl-enter, but it was surprisingly unhandy)

UPD: added small link report typos on the right side, below the title etc (just below the title, when you read problem page).

moxieman     2024-01-03 16:09:54
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Wow, I just noticed that "report typos" button and felt silly having missed it before... But I guess that was just a case of lightning-fast implementation!

I've also found 2 more small typos on Problem #284:

1) "...and feels it with further values..." should be "...and fills..."

2) "insde" should be "inside". Using ctrl+F might just be the easiest way to locate that one on that page.


moxieman     2024-01-03 17:49:46
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A few more on https://www.codeabbey.com/index/wiki/basic-language-manual

Use ctrl+F for the following: 1) "identation" 2) "is is" 3) "loarithm"

moxieman     2024-01-04 15:41:29
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Just some more typos, hope I'm not being annoying or anything with all the doubleposts...

This time on Problem #366 "Image Cutting".

"But you do not want to loose lose too much of your image. What is the biggest are area of the image you can cut..."

"Input data: First line will contain number of images to be cut. Other lines will contain width and height of the image WxH and the aspect ratio of the dsiplay display W:H separated by space.


moxieman     2024-01-05 22:08:45
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One more in #83 "Graph Generator". Do ctrl+F for abouve.

Rodion (admin)     2024-01-06 19:27:25
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Oh, so silly about this "feel/fill". I remember laughing at my boss who wrote "I don't fill well" and now, hooray, I made similar typo :)

About "identation" - I remember interesting story of similar mistake in documents of US (?) soldiers during WW2, which Germans corrected in the forged documents and thus their spies were uncovered by lacking typo Ctrl-F for "indentification" here.

Fixed these - and "lose", "area", "display" and "above" also. Thanks a lot!

hope I'm not being annoying

no, for sure :) it would be silly to add reporting link and then not to fix typos. on contrary, thanks a lot for your attentiveness! it is good to get rid of such silly mistakes, especially given that they may confuse people for whom English is not native language!

moxieman     2024-01-07 01:35:03
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Don't feel bad! I'm not too familiar with Slavic languages or Cyrillic, but I know that English vowel sounds in particular are often hard to predict from their letter and vice versa, compared to many other languages having much more consistent mapping.

That is an amazing story from WW2!

I also found one more on #109 "Lucky Tickets" - concidered.

And I'm glad to help! Especially when helping is just making a note when I notice something :)

moxieman     2024-01-11 16:36:36
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Another small one on Problem #281 "Basic Tokenizer". Ctrl+F for parce.

mikamove     2024-02-23 08:20:26

not a typo, but a math error, in #102 a convex polygon is wrongly defined as having all angles less than pi/2 while that should say less than pi.

mikamove     2024-02-23 08:24:18

sorry that ironically was a typo, i meant #105 in previous post and cannot edit it for some reason

Rodion (admin)     2024-02-23 11:57:40
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Oh, thanks a lot! I wonder, how this problem was there for perhaps almost 10 years, solved by 900+ persons and only now this silly mistake was noticed :) it is fixed now!

Editing of the post is limited probably to about 1 hour (for case that some significant information was shared which we don't want author to remove in future out of some fancy). No worry though, it was plain which problem is in question.

Also thanks for bringing attention here - obviously I missed couple of messages from Kevin aka moxieman above. Fixed these too!

mikamove     2024-02-26 13:40:26

Rodion, thanks for Your quick response. Concerning my unability to edit, nevermind, this was definitely not a problem of the page, I was on an android device, which was buggy with edit forms. Today I edit another post and it worked fine!

moxieman     2024-04-04 02:34:56
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Not a typo exactly, but in the Connect Four problem, the visualization link from the line "You may watch this visualization kindly created for us by our colleague Bloggermark to understand the game better.", is apparently broken.

Ultimately this doesn't impact the solvability of the problem, although now I'm curious as to what the visualization may have originally been!

peter_lane     2024-04-04 17:31:11

On Problem 66, the link to openabbey.com redirects to ... something else.

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