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CSFPython     2023-06-28 17:55:03

I think there might be a mistake in the instructions. We are instructed to use the following command to input the value of X0:

x0_re, x0_im = input('*n', '*n')

Not being familiar with Lua, I assumed that this was a standard Lua command. It may well be but my program didn't pass the checker until I changed it to instead.

Rodion (admin)     2023-06-28 18:00:52
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Oh, sure! I stumble upon this consistently every time... Obviously can't get familiar with Lua myself still...

Thank you, Clive, for the correction and so speedy verification of the problem!

gardengnome     2023-07-05 03:30:24
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Hi, I don't think the point (400, 300) is part of the display, and thus the drawing loop should be like this:

for y = 0, scrH - 1 do
    for x = 0, scrW - 1 do
Rodion (admin)     2023-07-05 05:44:21
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ah, sure, thanks and sorry :( fixed in description!

gardengnome     2023-07-05 06:04:32
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Thanks - no need for any sorry. :)

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