Graphics - Colors and Rectangles

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As we get acquainted with drawing lines in the previous lesson and understand how screen coordinate system works, let's advance to drawing some basic shapes. Here we paint a green-filled rectangle:

graph.rect(50, 100, 50, 100, 'green')

the function graph.rect takes 5 arguments:

We can draw several overlapping rectangles:

graph.rect(50, 50, 150, 100, 'red')
graph.rect(70, 70, 150, 100, 'green')
graph.rect(90, 90, 150, 100, 'blue')

How to color lines

Lines from the previous lesson can be colored also, but for them color is set with separate function graph.color - this makes sense since we often need to draw several lines of the same color at once:

graph.line(50, graph.h/2, graph.w/2, 35)
graph.line(graph.w/2, 35, graph.w-50, graph.h/2)
graph.line(50, graph.h/2, graph.w/2, graph.h-35)
graph.line(graph.w/2, graph.h-35, graph.w-50, graph.h/2)

This way the rhombus shape should be created: we set current color to orange, draw two upper lines, then change the color to purple and draw two lower lines.

More subtle shades of colors

We mentioned the colors could be not only specified by their names - there are other ways. Most versatile is by specifying exact red-green-blue components value of a color. One of the formats for this is a string with the word rgb and three numbers in parentheses, e.g.

graph.color('rgb(200, 50, 255)')

Here 200 is value for red, 50 for green and 255 for blue. All values should be in the range 0..255.

It may be a bit confusing why rgb which looks like typical function call is inside quotes, but it is a manner for specifying color for browser, it is always a kind of textual string - so it is not a function really, rather some magical web-style specification.

Interesting consequence is that we can generate such a color-definition strings in a loop, changing components gradually. For example, let us draw many small rectangles (2x2 pixels each), incrementing blue component from right to left and incrementing red component from top to bottom:

for y = 0,255 do
  for x = 0,255 do
    color = 'rgb(' .. y .. ',0,' .. x .. ')'
    graph.rect(x*2, y*2, 2, 2, color)


