
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: unlabeled - total 42    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
447Fixed Product, Minimum Sum7
448Button Cycles2
438Maze Generator8
436Avoid the Grid Points9
329Roman Arithmetic64
443Football League Tables2
294Vigenere Cipher63
441Max versus Min1
315Count the Common Factors29
330Easter Bunnies Are Back21
324Merge Sort21
386Advent Calendar Chocolate10
297Collatz in the Range24
296Tree ValueRU23
290Every Leaf on Every Tree22
331Rotating Toy Display16
312The Shredder Conundrum18
387Big Numbers7
300Run-Length Encoding18
282Predictable Board Game20
326Sum Them Forth12
314The Sorites Solution13
332Easter Bunnies 2D Are Back11
289The Case of the Desperate Mastermind14
319Tower of Hanoi Rules11
394Many Shortest Routes4
303Towers Under Cover12
288Langton's Ant13
276Lucky Pairs13
311The Mirror Maze10
309Board Game Sequences10
325Ultimate Sort Trial8
305The Catacombs of Chronos9
310Board Game Sequences Advanced8
322Gray Decoder7
304Ordered Brackets8
283Predictable Board Game on 10 Boards7
278Polyomino Generation7
321Hanoi Tower Heights4