Adaptive Arithmetic Coding

Problem #342

Tags: popular-algorithm data-compression c-1

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In the Huffman Coding task we have met a data compression algorithm which allows to encode more frequent charcters (or bytes) with fewer amount of bits, while rare characters on contrary may be encoded with more than usual amount of bits. Such algorithm belongs to group of "Entropy Encoding" algorithms.

However both Huffman and Shannon-Fano approaches can only encode characters with whole amount of bits - there are no ways to encode something with, say, 1.3 bit or 0.7 bit per character. You may wonder - how at all such things are possible? Fractional bits! What a nonsence!

That's the feature of Arithmetic Coding - algorithm which also uses character frequencies, but in different manner. We are going to study it now. Your goal would be to decode the text compressed (slightly) with it.

Idea is very simple...

Suppose we want to encode short string of text, for examble BAD DAD ADDED. To simplify the matter, assume every character (byte) may have not 256 values but only 10: A, B, C ... I and <space> for example.

In this case it is easy to represent the string as decimal fraction, replacing A with 0, B with 1 and so on. This results in a fraction like this:


Let's think how this fraction is constructed. Until we haven't started encoding, and haven't taken any letters yet, we know the result will be between 0.0000000... and 0.9999999... (the latter value really equals to 1).

So initially the range of the possible result is 0 ... 1. But after we take the first character and discover it is B (corresponding to digit 1), we understand the range is narrowed, it is between .100000... and .199999... (actually 0.2).

Next charcters A (corresponding to 0) further narrows the range to between .100000... and .1099999.... Look at the picture below to visualize this process:

arithmetic coding visualization

Here the black range corresponds to empty string (in beginning), red to string B, green to BA and blue to BAD. The range has meaning of possible space into which result can fit if the string starts with the given prefix.

Any fraction within this interval represents the same prefix. That's how we encode text with fraction.

Now, how to implement compression?

We assigned equal "sub-range" to every possible letter (of 0.1 size). But what if instead we choose some more frequent letter to use wider sub-range (and others narrower). For example, if the letter A is more frequent, let's give the half of the current range to it. That means the single letter A is represented by any value between 0.0 and 0.5. Prefix AA is encoded by any value between 0.0 and 0.25. At last the sequence AAA selects the range between 0.0 and 0.125.

That is interesting. If we take result of encoding, say, 0.1, we clearly understand it encodes AAA despite it took just a single decimal digit! Of course encoding of other, more rare letters will took more digits than previously.

The main idea is, however, to dedicate to each character such a sub-range which is proportional to its frequency. Let's clarify this in simplified code.

Simplified implementation

Suppose we precalculated letter frequencies and give them in two first lines as constants.

frqs = [5, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1]     # letter counts for A, B, C, D... I, <space>
total = sum(frqs)                         # total amount of letters

low = 0                                   # lower end of range
high = 1                                  # higher end of range

for letter in string_to_encode:

    code = char_to_code(letter)           # convert A to 0, B to 1, C to 2 etc
    a = 0

    for i in range from 0 to code (non-inclusive)
        a = a + frqs[i]                   # a = all counts before this letter in frqs array
        b = a + frqs[code]                # b = all counts before and including this letter
    end for

    # a and b will help us to calculate new range:

    current_range = high - low
    high = low + current_range * (b / total)
    low = low + current_range * (a / total)

    # that's it! now the range become only a fraction of previous range, according to [a..b] interval
end for

# string encoding is completed, let's take mean of low and high as output

result = (low + high) / 2
print(result)                             # prints encoded value as fraction

You can try this code with some amends and you'll see it works for short strings (say 5-7 characters).

However there is obvious problem: fractional (real) values in computers are of limited precision. Very soon low and high become very close and at last will stop changing.

Calculating in integers

We overcome the said issue by "shifting" the front parts of values low and high to the output, when they become equal. This means we send the digit (not necessarily decimal) to the output, then multiply low and high so that they are always sufficiently apart.

Moreover we can use integer values instead of reals here. Let's use integers in base base composed of digits digits. In real life base could be 2 or 256, but for our problem let it be 27, allowing to use separate values for letters A ... Z and the last one for <space> = 26. Supposing every value starts with implicit decimal dot we assign:

low = [0, 0, 0, 0]                  # e.g. 0 * 27^3 + 0 * 27^2 + 0 * 27^1 + 0
high = [26, 26, 26, 26]             # e.g. 26 * 27^3 + 26 * 27^2 + 26 * 27^1 + 26  =  27^4 - 1

More correctly, value high = 1.0 is formed by endless chain of 0.(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)... but we shall keep it in mind and amend when "shifting" the value, as we'll see below.

Now range update fragment will look very similarly:

# a and b calculated as before
range = high - low + 1
high = low + range * b / total
low = low + range * a / total

Integer division a/total and b/total may truncate result slightly but it doesn't spoil calculations.

Now about "shifting" the high and low. After every newly-encoded character it may happen that highest digits of low and high become equal. This mean that digit could be added to result. At the same time new digit should be added to both values "from the right". Zero to low and 26 to high:

if first_digit(low) == first_digit(high) then
    send first_digit(low) to output
    remove first_digit from both values
    multiply both values by 27
    append 0 as last digit to low
    append 26 as last digit to high
repeat if necessary

Think of this as we operate on endless numbers, but at any given time regard only short fragment of them, sliding more and more to the right as the prefix on the left becomes fixed.

Below we have complete encoder source in Python implementing this idea.


Usually with algorithms like Huffman we need to provide encoded text along with frequency table which decoder can use. In this case however we'll start with table consisting of all ones and will update it after every next letter, adding 1 to corresponding cell. This means frequencies will be changing over time but it is not a problem, we'll be using updated frequencies for every next character.

Decoder in turn can also start building frequency table in the same manner, adding 1 after every next decoded letter - so it will "keep track" of frequencies exactly matching the table used by encoder.

Obvious drawback is, however, that in the beginning of encoding, while the table has not yet settled on "proper" frequencies, little or no actual compression happens.

Python encoder source

For better visibility let's use dot (.) instead of space. The code starts with defining values as described above.

base = 27
digits = 6
maxv = base - 1           # maximum value of digit in our 27-base system

frqs = [1] * base         # counts of letters, actually                                 
total = base              # total count of letters in frqs                              
low = 0

high = 1                  # we'll build up value for `high` iteratively
for i in range(digits):
    high *= base
high -= 1

tail = (high+1) // base   # auxiliary value used in "shifting" process, 27^(digits - 1)

output = ''

def encode(text):
    global output
    for c in text:
    encode_char('.')      # after all chars are encoded, let's add double space as a sign of end

    # now we need to take care enough remaining characters are shifted to output

    cur_out_len = len(output)
    while len(output) < cur_out_len + digits:
        encode_char(code_to_char(base // 2))  # let's encode some middle letter until enough chars are shifted

    return output

def encode_char(c):
    global low, high, frqs, total
    c = char_to_code(c)
    a, b = calc_probabilities(c)
    rangee = high - low + 1
    if high - low + 1 < total:                # see notes below
        raise Exception('range exhausted')
    high = low + rangee * b // total
    low = low + rangee * a // total
    perhaps_output_digits()                   # here we shift digits and update low and high

    frqs[c] += 1                              # adaptiveness implemented
    total += 1

def char_to_code(c):
    if c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z':
        return ord(c) - ord('A')
    return maxv

def code_to_char(c):
    if c >= 0 and c < maxv:
        return chr(ord('A') + c)
    return '.'

def calc_probabilities(c):
    a = sum(frqs[0:c])
    return a, a + frqs[c]

def perhaps_output_digits():
    global low, high, output
    while first_digit(high) == first_digit(low):
        low, d = remove_first_digit(low)
        low *= base
        high, d = remove_first_digit(high)
        high = high * base + maxv
        output += code_to_char(d)

def first_digit(v):
    return v // tail

def remove_first_digit(v):     # returns truncated value and digit which was truncated
    d = v // tail
    v %= tail
    return v, d

# main part at last

text = input().upper()
encoded = encode(text)

Small thing to note is this simplified (yet) implementation allows very rare case when range becomes too narrow but no digits could be shifted out yet. In real life we'll need to take care of such situation. However for the problem you may safely assume input data will never include such case.

Problem Statement At Last

Please write decoder which will can decode strings encoded with the encoder shown above. Really it could be much smaller as you can reuse some functions.

Input: the first line contains number of testcases (usually 3).
Next lines contain one testcase each.

Answer: should give decoded text for every testcase, separated with spaces.



answer (visually broken into lines):

Example 2 (also to show there is actual reduction in text length on longer samples)


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