
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: c-1 - total 299    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
28Body Mass IndexDE ES ZH RU SK10388
13Weighted sum of digitsDE ES RU ZH SK9884
17Array ChecksumDE ES RU SK8671
48Collatz SequenceDE ES RU SK7052
12Modulo and time differenceDE ES RU SK7160
18Square RootES RU5598
29Sort with IndexesRU5412
50PalindromesDE ES RU SK4946
52Pythagorean TheoremRU4742
67Fibonacci SequenceRU4299
24Neumann's Random GeneratorDE ES RU4628
104Triangle Area3370
35Savings Calculator4057
81Bit CountRU3422
44Double Dice RollRU3802
32Josephus ProblemRU3905
128Combinations Counting2676
19Matching BracketsES RU3642
58Card Names3249
49Rock Paper Scissors3281
94Fool's Day 2014SK2776
59Bulls and Cows2871
61Prime Numbers GenerationRU2827
22Two PrintersES RU3028
42Blackjack Counting2596
120Selection Sort2039
409Election Fever6
38Quadratic Equation2393
33Parity ControlRU2345
53King and Queen2100
34Binary Search2161
69Fibonacci Divisibility1862
37Mortgage CalculatorZH2030
45Cards ShufflingZH1974
63Integer FactorizationZH1786
62Prime Ranges1633
121Insertion Sort1349
172Cloud Altitude Measurement1089
75Yacht or Dice Poker1509
134Flying Text Screensaver1180
39Share Price Volatility1510
156Luhn AlgorithmSK999
80Duel Chances1138
407River Labyrinth9
135Variable Length Code891
74Clock Hands1075
36Code GuesserUA1170
105Convex Polygon Area920
408Mad Beaver in River Labyrinth5
54Pythagorean Triples1038
73Hexagonal Grid948
116Summing Up813
97Girls and Pigs847
181Reverse Polish Notation585
385Number of steps in Euclidean Algorithm60
98Azimuth at Treasure Island734
85Rotation in 2D Space738
51Dungeons and Dragons DiceUA800
399Methane Identification23
56Life is Simple771
40Paths in the GridUA772
70Most Frequent Word709
66Caesar Cipher Cracker709
377Sum of Digits Divisibility66
88Pitch and Notes650
406Wormholes of Cygnus7
108Star Medals599
95Simple Linear Regression584
211Information Entropy368
87Tree Builder592
405Three Friendly Knights8
60Sweet Harvest629
207Suffix Array364
77Point to Segment Distance586
143Extended Euclidean Algorithm436
71Fibonacci Divisibility Advanced547
91Game of 2048512
400Memory Check15
191Spaceship Weight Fraud344
119Brain Fibo456
101Gradient Calculation479
206Base-32 Encoding309
82Levenshtein Distance489
89Instrument Tuner458
131Four Pics One Word386
64Maze Pathfinder475
189Dynamic Web Page300
79Cycles Detection438
92Binary Heap415
150Introducing Regexps330
126Sequence of Squares355
136Variable Length Code Unpack341
170Binary Search in Array291
167Copy Line292
83Graph Generator393
197Loops in Assembly255
90Lexicographic Permutations378
154Breadth First Search295
78Bezier Curves379
117Divide by Two321
99Uphill Shooting336
65Transitive Closure on Candy States365
144Modular Inverse274
155Depth First Search258
174Calculation of Pi236
404Methane Normalization5
161Topological Sorting243
165Safe Landing230
133Billiard Ball260
190Query String Parameters202
140Proper Bracket Sequences243
76Pawn Move Validator293
323Next Palindrome75
96Snake Arcade273
384Equal Hamming Distance21
123Knapsack of Integers240
93Starving Priority Queue263
130Combinations with Repetitions229
360Whisky Blending40
84Dijkstra in the Network266
173Chords of Music192
390Card Pairing Solitaire15
337Introducing Zeckendorf55
381Finding Squares21
146Color Cubes198
151Word Ladders190
372String Minimization27
208Neighborhood of a String145
129Enumerating Combinations197
164Page Rank172
138Huffman Coding187
194Convex Hull and Farmers147
139Beam Balance and Masses182
201Point in Polygon138
199Employees Web App139
192Gangster Battles136
152RSA Cryptography161
359Find 3 Numbers31
137Shannon-Fano Coding170
402Game of Stones4
111Necklace Count177
393Urban Planning9
398Collecting Diamonds6
168Caesar meets BF134
110Lucky Tickets Advanced166
269Fibonacci coding73
202Dancing Pairs108
179Look and Say binary120
198Prn Hex Str109
162Rubik's Cube126
148Public Key Cryptography Intro133
124Knapsack Backtracking143
106Random Search Optimization150
182Frodo and Black Riders112
177Nim Game112
253Beautiful Line Chart75
185Simple 3D Scene107
160Social Web Scraper117
102Travelling Salesman140
157Emirp primE114
158Hamming Codes112
392Fixing an Anagram7
258Text Justification65
291Squirrels vs. Acorns49
379Dice with Infinity Sides12
159Hard Life103
281Basic Tokenizer51
196Fibonacci Randomizer85
395Growth of Micro-Organisms5
277The Adventure of Morse Code52
153Fermat goes hacking RSA99
100Crossing the Road116
186Simple 3D Scene (cont)83
115Gradient Descent for SLE109
141Sliding Window Search98
335Venus Visible26
376Cartesian Tree Visualization11
210Ticket Puzzle69
209Suffix Array Advanced69
166Page Rank as Eigenvector83
193Maximum Flow73
142LZ77 decompression89
203Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax Algorithm68
383E2C2S - try harder!8
219Neural Network Calculation62
382Die Throw Sequences8
216Cracking Linear Congruential Generator61
112Travelling Salesman Inverted92
397Trading Bot3
113Ground Zero89
334Find all of the SETs22
274Two Buckets40
363Language Detector13
132Stream Cipher Breaking80
163Colliding Balls70
396Chocolate Triangles and BF3
175Algae Robot66
205Clustering the Stars57
367Roguelike 1d11
200Fizz Buzz in Asm57
107Knight's Tour82
354Too Many Divisors14
230Move-To-Front Transform47
204Wandering Star53
212BCD to Hex50
241Village Ways42
347Unwanted Multiples15
257Missing Records in SQL37
218Rain Must FallDE45
149Prime Chains60
307The Problem of Too Many Clues23
233Language Study40
358Mandelbrot Set11
357Ulam's Prime Spiral11
361Rogue Mazes10
338Throwing Easter Eggs15
178Maze of the Wumpus50
378Space Invaders Automation6
147Color Cubes Advanced55
391Scout Proficiency Badges3
118Maxit Single-Player60
362Euclid, Manhattan and Chebyshev9
180Simple Game of Sticks46
223Introducing Scheme37
380Treap Study5
299Tree Visualizer21
255LCM of a range29
229Burrows-Wheeler Transform33
340Zeckendorf Lite12
183Connect Four41
247Towers of Hanoi29
339Parking Lot12
344Throwing Easter Eggs Part 210
341Zeckendorf Advanced10
284Rotate Array In-Place19
238Bear Hunt26
217Personality Swap29
286Self-Printing Program18
234Train Merge25
169Automated Landing33
268Logic Transformation19
275Three Buckets18
256Rook Jump Maze20
285Rotate Matrix In Place16
336Currency Arbitrage9
243Grille Encryption21
271A Knight some Trolls and a Princess17
306Line Drawing Algorithm12
345Elliptic Curves Basics7
369Flappy Bird4
333Happy Triplets8
220Neural Network Training21
260Low Cost Road Network16
365Flower Border Arrangements4
263Easter Bunnies 3D15
373Railroad Rat3
262Easter Bunnies 2D Advanced15
266Pancake Sorting14
279Two Buckets Advanced12
328Beep Beep Beep7
254Rule 30 by Turing14
355Robots Game4
222Easter Eggs Advanced16
308Circle Drawing Algorithm8
342Adaptive Arithmetic Coding5
235Train Merge Advanced14
237Road Network Destruction12
356Robots Game Autoplay3
327Dobbin's Long Journey5
267Turing Maze9
264Party Presents9
227Hashtable Implementation11
226Multiplicative Persistence Backtrace11
302Sound-Controlled Robot6
348Trick-Taking Game3
248Christmas Puzzle9
224Transposing List of Lists10
252Shadok and Gibis8
317Launch to Orbit4
236Is the Earth Flat8
273Logic Glitches6
251Radio Spies7
232Shift Register Randomizer7
240Playfair Cipher Cracking6
280Three Buckets Re-visited4
228Maze Mapping Robot5
318Launch to Orbit automated2