LZ77 decompression

Problem #142  

Tags: data-compression popular-algorithm classical strings c-1 c-0

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Probably you have already solved Sliding Window Search task. Now we are going to see how this idea of encoding repetitive substrings with back references in form length-offset is used for compression.

The algorithm described below is an implementation of LZ77 proposed by Israeli scientists Lempel and Ziv in 1977. Later many other algorithms were built from this idea (LZSS and LZW for example) - and most of contemporary archivers use some of its derivatives (including zip compressor and gif image format).

You will be given the sequence of bytes of already compressed data and your goal is to decompress it to original.

The encoding scheme used was the following:

By these rules the word ABRACADABRA is encoded as:

00 41
00 42
00 52
10 02
00 43
10 01
00 44
40 06

Input data contain a sequence of bytes in hexadecimal format. There are about 4.5kB of encoded data.
Answer should contain the decoded text. It should be about 7kB long.


input data:
00 69 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 72 00 70 10 01 10 03 30 05 00 20 50 06 10 0f 00 64 00 73
10 08 10 05 00 6f 10 02 90 17 10 09 20 03 20 06 40 0d 10 17 60 09 00 6d 00 61 30 21

interpreter pretends to interpret reprinted reprimands

Note: we do not require you to write a compressing algorithm (though we are going to have such exercise for LZW later) - but you nevertheless can try to create your own archiver!

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