
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: strings - total 42    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
20Vowel CountDE ES AR ZH RO RU SK12581
30Reverse StringDE ES RU SK8990
50PalindromesDE ES RU SK5053
31Rotate StringES RU5044
19Matching BracketsES RU3732
58Card Names3317
47Caesar Shift CipherSK3395
49Rock Paper Scissors3347
55Matching Words3242
33Parity ControlRU2411
45Cards ShufflingZH2028
72Funny Words Generator1626
428Broken Keyboard47
70Most Frequent Word722
86Brainfuck Interpreter567
207Suffix Array375
82Levenshtein Distance500
131Four Pics One Word392
150Introducing Regexps333
136Variable Length Code Unpack347
140Proper Bracket Sequences254
323Next Palindrome85
151Word Ladders195
138Huffman Coding188
374Longest Common Subsequence38
244Introducing SQL105
372String Minimization33
148Public Key Cryptography Intro138
420Life on a String10
160Social Web Scraper119
158Hamming Codes114
258Text Justification67
277The Adventure of Morse Code56
141Sliding Window Search99
142LZ77 decompression90
132Stream Cipher Breaking82
230Move-To-Front Transform50
233Language Study42
307The Problem of Too Many Clues26
392Fixing an Anagram9
415Smallest Message4