Language Study

Problem #233  

Tags: strings implementation c-1 c-0

Who solved this?

No translations... yet

Idea of this problem was suggested by our colleague qwerty_one - thanks a lot!

We have a list of phrases in some Unknown Language (pretending to be natural) - and their translations to English. E.g.:

bialy chleb - white bread
charny chleb - black bread

All we need is to "learn" that language - or rather find the meaning of every word - and to translate some more phrases from English to that Unknown Language again.

Input Data contain a list of phrases with translations (separated with dash "-").
Then single line with English phrases without translations follows (separated with semicolons ";").
Answer should give the same last line translated (here order of words should be kept and semicolons too).


input data:
bialy pies - white dog
czarny kotek - black kitten
czarny dlugopis - black pen
czerwony samochod - red car
szybki samochod - fast car
szybki pies - fast dog
fast kitten; black car; red pen

szybki kotek; czarny samochod; czerwony dlugopis
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