
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: classical - total 41    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
48Collatz SequenceDE ES RU SK7225
27Bubble SortES RU SK6131
26Greatest Common DivisorES SK RU5981
18Square RootES RU5761
52Pythagorean TheoremRU4869
31Rotate StringES RU5073
67Fibonacci SequenceRU4389
24Neumann's Random GeneratorDE ES RU4747
35Savings Calculator4165
32Josephus ProblemRU4007
19Matching BracketsES RU3749
128Combinations Counting2744
47Caesar Shift CipherSK3412
120Selection Sort2097
34Binary Search2230
121Insertion Sort1390
444White Rectangle15
181Reverse Polish Notation612
56Life is Simple796
170Binary Search in Array297
174Calculation of Pi243
123Knapsack of Integers251
109Lucky Tickets230
151Word Ladders196
138Huffman Coding189
137Shannon-Fano Coding174
202Dancing Pairs111
177Nim Game113
102Travelling Salesman143
159Hard Life106
193Maximum Flow78
142LZ77 decompression92
203Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax Algorithm70
274Two Buckets45
107Knight's Tour82
247Towers of Hanoi32
358Mandelbrot Set12
249Turing Increment26
256Rook Jump Maze25
266Pancake Sorting14