Knapsack of Integers

Problem #123

Tags: dynamic-programming classical c-1 c-0 popular-algorithm

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Famous programming problem of Packing the Knapsack have several variants. The general statement is like following:

Given a set of items, each of which have some Weight and Value, we want to select some of them to pack into the knapsack which has limit of Maximum-Weight. The goal of selection is to maximize the Total-Value of packet items.

It is told that the problem have a number of appications in transportation, logistics etc - think of building the train of railway cars (with varying content and cost), loading ships with containers or aircrafts with boxes, parcels - besides this it could be the part of more complex algorithms in networking, data transferring software etc.

Three common variants of the problem are:

  1. Unbounded knapsack - when items of each kind are presented in unlimited amount.
  2. Bounded knapsack - each type of item is presented in several copies (we know amount for each type).
  3. 0/1 knapsack - there is a single copy of each type of item, so any type/item could be either included (1) or not (0).

The last of three is the most popular and so we'll try to solve this. If the weights of the items are given with arbitrary real numbers, the problem can not be solved efficiently. However with integer weights we can use dynamic programming approach, increasing weight by iterations.


Trivial approach would be to try all combinations of items. There are 2^N of them and it will work for about 20 items in several seconds. However for larger values we are to use dynamic programming.

Suppose we have a set of items, labeled with numbers from 1 to N. Each of them has the known weight w[i] and the value v[i].

Let us iterate through these items and on each iteration examine all possible weight limits W from 0 to Wmax (capacity of knapsack) and try to find the answer for the given W and subset of items from 1 to i:

FOR i IN 1..N
    FOR w IN 0..Wmax
        subset = items from 1 to i
        solve_knapsack(subset, w)

result = solve_knapsack(items from 1 to N, Wmax)

Here solve_knapsack function returns the value of selected items (for given set and weight limit) and could be performed in a single choice, using previously calculated values. Really, for i-th element we could either include it or not.

We only need to choose which value is greater. It will look like:

FUNCTION solve_knapsack(items from 1 to i, weight_limit)
    valueNo = solve_knapsack(items from 1 to i-1, weight_limit)
    IF weight_limit < w[i] THEN
        return valueNo    # we can't add current item anyway
    END IF
    valueYes = solve_knapsack(items from 1 to i-1, weight_limit - w[i]) + v[i]
    return max(valueYes, valueNo)

If we will store previous results given by solve_knapsack in array (or rectangular matrix since there are two parameters) we got the DP algorithm. Note that internal "call" to solve_knapsack can be performed with such a pair of parameters for which calculation has never taken place before - we should return 0 for such cases.

Problem statement

You are given a set of items - their weights and values. Also you are told the maximum total weight (capacity of the knapsack). Return the maximum possible value of chosen items.

Input data will contain amount of items N on the first line.
Next line will have the maximum allowed capacity Wmax of the knapsack.
Then there would be N lines each with two values - w[i] and v[i].
Answer should have a single value - maximum posible value of items placed into knapsack.


input data:
5 8
15 20
13 25
15 31
28 65
8 14
23 57


Here items with values 8, 25, 31, 65 and 57 are choosen with total weight of 84.

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