Nim Game

Problem #177  

Tags: interactive special games classical c-1 c-0

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Please refer to the instruction on interactive problems about technical aspects of this exercise.

Now you are to play Nim game against a server. The rules are very simple:

For example, if there are 3, 4, and 5 stones in heaps #0, #1 and #2 respectively, and players do the following moves:

Player 1            Player 2                Stones remain
--------            --------                -------------
3 from #2                                   3  4  2
                    2 from #1               3  2  2
3 from #0                                   0  2  2
                    2 from #1               0  0  2
2 from #2                                   0  0  0

And the first player is a winner.

Technical details

GAME-NAME isnim-game and server address is in the instruction mentioned above.

After you start the game, server will return sizes of heaps with its answer.

Then you make each move by specifying H (the number of heap to take from) and S (amount of stones to take) in a single line marked with move.

Server then answers with its move in the same format and also with updated state of the heaps.

The end of game is signalized when server after its move detects that either 2 or 3 heaps are empty. In the first case it is your victory, in the second you lose the game.

Time limit is 10 seconds per move. So you may try to play in self-manual mode :)

Input data will have authentication token and Answer should contain victory token on submit.


YOU                                 SERVER
------------------------            ------------------------

token: <your-token>                 heaps: 3 4 5                            // request-response # 1

token: <your-token>                 move: 1 2                               // request-response # 2
move: 2 3                           heaps: 3 2 2

token: <your-token>                 move: 1 2                               // request-response # 3
move: 0 3                           heaps: 0 0 2
                                    end: <your-victory-token>   
You need to login to get test data and submit solution.